NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Ah fair enough. Still a fucked up country. Heading towards mad max in no less than 5 years

Australia does its own thing.

Brilliant. The jinnets are outing themselves voluntarily, it appears :smiley:

Well played @Copper_pipe :clap:

You’d want your head examined to be signing up for any sort of facial recognition app


Presumably if you don’t have a smart phone you have to go into MHQ. Mad stuff.

Only a few months before Chucks can use the face scanner in the local starbucks by the beach to receive his mocha latte immediately, no lines. Imagine the convenience of it all, what a society they’re building down there

Lads will be boasting on the Internet about their social credit score


Lads seem to forget that Oz is a penal colony.


Twill replace the 10k times as something for men in their 40s to compare.

Graph comparing covid deaths in 2021 in American counties with how likely counties are to vote Democrat or Republican.

The issue on Israel is that they vaccinated 50% of their adult population quicker than any country on the planet, and by February 2021 had their vulnerable population protected. The expectation at the time was that vaccine immunity would be long lasting, and once the vulnerable were vaccinated serious illness and hospitalizations would drop rapidly.

This is exactly what happened and by May Israel had extremely low numbers as expected. We are now six months on from February, and Israel has one of the highest daily infection rates in the world, twice the daily rate per capita as the US. This increase is not been driven by the unvaccinated, it is been driven by Delta breakthrough infections of the vaccinated. In a study in July for those vaccinated in January efficacy was only 16%, that means 84% of those vaccinated in January have no protection against illness, their antibodies are gone. This is why Israel are urgently administering third shots to their adult population.

So the question is will Ireland and the rest of the highly vaccinated world see the same thing in the coming months? What happens to immunity with the third shot, will it last six months as well or shorter? How will the virus behave against a vaccine it already has found a way to evade? If a Delta++ emerges among the vaccinated population that completely evades vaccine antibodies, what is our next move?

I hope I’m wrong but we could be completely fucked.

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You seem to be in two minds over this, Delta causing breakthroughs or vaccines wearing off?

Israel test 7 times as much as the US, it’s a pointless comparison.

It’s both. The spike protein of the Delta variant has mutated enough to pose a different challenge, and antibody tests have shown a significant decline since January. Those vaccinated in April still had 80% efficacy against Delta.

If societies return to normal, that, is a mass spread environment. You have a large amount of unvaccinated people combined with likely declining effectiveness of vaccines.

Mass spread is what drives the evolution of new variants.

Endemicity currently seems a fanciful notion. The virus is too serious.

But science will come up with new treatments and vaccines.

A week or two back a poster here was ridiculing the notion we would still be talking about Covid in 2027, and claiming that if we were, it would be proof of a giant conspiracy.

We may well still be talking about it in 2027, and if we are, it won’t be due to conspiracy. Covid is a like a ever flowing hosepipe of sewage flowing into your house. No matter how quickly you clean it up, it keeps flowing.

In an unvaccinated population yes, but in a vaccinated population evolution is driven by the selective pressure to avoid vaccine antibodies. Think the flu and the need for new vaccines every year as flu viruses mutate all the time to evade existing immunity.

But that doesn’t mean we are fucked if boosters work. Boosters are showing a strong impact on infection already.

All the vaccines are coping very well with severe disease as well which is the important part. Cases, smases.


But Covid is not flu. And the bulk of mass spread in a population in which a large minority of people remain unvaccinated is driven by the unvaccinated, not the vaccinated.

I have not heard of any variant emerging from the vaccinated portion of a population.

I think you’re missing my point. Yes, vaccine antibodies work and provide protection, but the protection is not long lasting and Delta has the ability to evade vaccine antibodies. Boosters are the same vaccine which is not matched to the Delta variant, it is matched to the original Wuhan virus, so expect more of the same only possibly worse.

So what happens next? The one thing we can know with certainty is the virus will continue to mutate and it’s evolutionary direction will be to evade vaccine antibodies. What happens when the next version of Delta completely evades our antibodies? We are then facing a disease with again no protection, so we start again with a new vaccine. I think we may be behind the curve already.

That’s hardly relevant.

I’m not. You are talking about infections and cases.

We are talking about severe disease here. The amount of it remains low despite the months passing.