NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s very instructive how you’ve dedicated yourself to bulldozing any hint of nuance during Covid.

It’s almost like you’re trying to called a genuinely thick as pigshit cunt.

I like to be nice, so I’ll hold off on such abuse, but you do make it difficult.

I don’t give one shit what you do mate

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Oh I think you do.

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I was gonna say that but I said I’d leave it. The fella is obviously struggling

In what way?

You’ll work it out mate

No, no, do go on. You butted in, so it’s up to you to flesh out exactly what you’re saying. It would fairly cowardly not to, wouldn’t it?

Public health utopia :raised_hands:


Oh you’re after lads to answer questions now :joy::joy::joy:

This is fairly cowardly, low down stuff from you, in all fairness.

Yeah it’s bad form for a lad to not answer a question

Sounds like you’ve been in bad form for the last year and a half. I won’t say you’re struggling because I think you’re just a whiny git.

I have been in bad form. Pandemic like.

I’m relieved you’re happy that questions should be answered though. I’ll note that

The westies taking aim at us today. Very unsavoury. One team, one dream, guys.

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Is it the pollution, the sharks, the jellyfish or the salties that has you all terrified of going in the water?

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Only coming into Spring. Water still a little bit chilly. Wasn’t far off 30 degrees air temp today.

Samantha Maiden on Twitter: “Tony Abbott has complained that it should not be part of the Australian character to “dob people in” after he copped a $500 fine for not wearing a mask at Manly” / Twitter

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