NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The only person angry about masks is you mate. People not wearing masks are murderers you said.

You’re some weirdo.

I got a text from the Ferry company reminding me that I had to fill in an online passenger locator form or I wouldn’t get on the boat and that if I filled it in wrong the Gardai would be on my case. So I duly filled it in and I was sent a very officious looking pdf with a QR code and all. So impressed was I by it that I read through it carefully and discovered I had inputted a typo. So fearful that the Gardai would be on my case I filled it all in again and got a second correct pdf.

Anyway I pitched up at the port where there was a plf (passenger locator form) checkpoint before check in. (I’d say people had been pitching up to check in without ever having heard of a plf and had to fill it out there and then causing massive tailbacks). Anyway a nice French lady took one look at the qr code and determined with her naked eye that it was all in order and scribbled “plf ok” in a slip of paper and told me to hand that slip in at the check in.

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You’ve the makings of nice post there

A lad in Dublin airport last night filled his address as “Limerick, Limerick, Limerick, Co. Limerick.”

I’ve also had “Main Street, Dublin” and “no 1, Temple Bar.” I didn’t ring the guards as I didn’t want to be laughed at


When the wife was in labour I was waiting around, anyway call comes, it’s happening and it’s happening fast. So I peg it in only to be stopped by the security guard, sorry you can’t go in until you filled out the covid questionaire. So I fill it out, two pages of basically “Have you covid” yes or no. Hand it back to my man, no you need to bring that with you he says and never looked at it. Up to the ward then and no one looks for it. Still had it in my arse pocket leaving the hospital. Literally a box ticking exercise


I know someone who flew into Ireland last week and tried to give the the Immigration lad their vaccine card and locator form and he wasn’t interested. You need to start firing people.

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We do “spot checks”. You couldn’t physically land planes there if we checked every one of them

That kind of slack job of effort is the reason we’re riddled with covid, did you not know it comes from foreigners?

I don’t know horsey pal, Google it.

Yes I’m aware of the new left-wing, zero tolerance policy when it comes to immigration. I’m surprised by it, frankly.

The current agreement is for airlines to check the pcr/vaccine certs before boarding but, it appears they are only giving them a cursory glance.

It’s not good enough mate. The same lad almost shat himself when he was checking in at ORD and the screen said he had to have a PCR test done within 48 hours. He hadn’t done a test because he assumed having a vaccine card was enough. 8 hours then panicking on the plane worried he won’t get in to his beloved Ireland , and then gets there and nobody gives a fuck.

When I arrived through Dublin airport recently they told me all that stuff was checked by the airlines at the other end, it was yeah I said.

What nonsense at this stage.

And we still locking up people and charging them for it based purely on racism to placate headbanger Fianna Fáil voters like @Cheasty.

Aer Lingus are not checking.

You know, I don’t think there is a building on earth where any form of a queue whatsoever is as heavily criticised and publicised like Dublin airport. Irish people will not queue for immigration. Unless it’s for US pre-clearance where they happily queue for hours and then meekly say nothing about it at the top.

Your average Irish passenger wants us to check passports and ID cards from dozens of nations, inspect them and see if they are genuine, validate visas and other bona fides and stop every single potential imposter whilst simultaneously ensuring no genuine passenger is delayed in any way.


If you are anyway security conscious, don’t fly Aer Lingus. They do not know who’s on their planes

I don’t mate, I think we should let everyone in.

That’s because US immigration will shoot you if you give lip. A proper government agency.

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The meltdown continues. It’s fascinating.

Global Entry is a godsend for avoiding chats with them.

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