NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It went up in flames on March 12th.

How many EU countries have implemented these extreme restrictions? Germany, ?

That’s quite the backtrack.

But go to work if you can’t do it from home?

France Italy Spain

Biggest political backtrack in history in such a short space of time


Belfast will be an interesting place tonight

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Backtrack it is. But we need to do the same

Its another great win for Ireland

We need to lock down the entire Eastern seaboard like yesterday. They are very close to the brits

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Is that not just essential services?

Best wishes to all British based posters. Going to be a tough month or so but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

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No he said if it’s essential that you travel to fet there rather than your job is essential. He needs some out there spreading it


Once again not going all the way. Extremely careful use of words re work.

A train coming the other way?

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Will the nationalists be allowed out of their houses and the Unionists locked in?

Will you get a lot of border people heading south?

Boris will never be forgiven for his betrayel of the health workers in this

160 of the people infected in Ireland are health care workers.

Makes sense, read the article though.