NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The British, through their arrogance and inaction, have sentenced thousands of their citizens to death.


Cobra meeting tonight

Might stay up tonight and see does Sid get another clamping.

Financial aid plan has been scuttled by Congress as Democrats want it to include restrictions on airline flight emissions, free Internet for everyone, corporate board diversity, pay equality, and a bunch of other unrelated items.

What an absolute shower of wankers.

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Democrats totally right here - Trump trying to funnel public money to his own companies and strike down the ACA.

@labane1917 supports Putin-like corruption but as he’s Republican voter that’s a given.

America’s nightly self-humiliation has begun.

You could literally walk around New York for eight hours on a normal day and not find a person less suited to be president than the genocidal scumbag currently in office.

Natural selection.

You’ve never been to America so how would you know?

I’ve been there loads of times. First time in February 1995, been seven times since.

DJT on the box telling us the drugs work. Free coverage on

Trump claims a man dying from COVID-19 has been cured using a miracle drug.

I wonder what it is?

Kool aid?

The two behind him just thinking, please don’t say something stupid, please don’t say something stupid

I see Barr is at this shitshow and Fauci isn’t there.

Barr is going to announce he’s indicting COVID-19 and @labane1917 will have an involuntary orgasm.

“We will not allow anyone to exploit the suffering of American citizens for profit” the private health system going to the wall so

Trump announces stuff at these shitshows and then does precisely nothing.

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Nice shout out to grocers and truck drivers

Trump is like a fella giving a shit wedding speech thanking everyone. The glass would have three rounds of the table done already

If one of the truck drivers drove over him they’d deserve a purple heart.