NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The zero covid eejits will have to content themselves with trying to control the weather


They are seasoned campaigners at convincing people that black is white. This will only embolden them. They are a strange clique that get a thrill from attempting to deceive people.


It’s all about Taiwan, Brisbane and Perth now for them. I had thought the team of 5 million had Covid sussed by looking out for one another but they must have taken a day off.

Covid loves a day off

A good clean country, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil!

I love how the beachside coffee photos send the usual suspects absolutely berserk. You could say it’s becoming a little tradition of mine :hugs:


They’re inspirational

Kind of them to offer him cream for his coffee

I have a great little chuckle to myself when I read the comments, so I do.

You’ve riki drove round the twist

I hope it was expanding foam the lads in Melbourne were spraying at yer man. That stuff is some ruiner of clothes.

We can be zero

You already are, mate. Zero arguments.

Did Queen Zero not concede defeat already?

Japanese soldiers and all that.

Delete your Twitter account please, pal.

You seem drawn to the light like a stupid moth.

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The Scandinavians are having a splendid plandemic.


Dangerous experiment

Those right wing Scandinavian monsters.

One thing the Nordics and Scandinavians do well in my experience is cold and detached logic.


Ring wing lunacy prevailing in Scandinavia.

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