NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Israel does not demonstrate that.

Israel has a much higher proportion of unvaccinated people than Ireland.

39% of Israel’s population remains unvaccinated.

Unless your thing is talking shite.

Australia’s excess deaths are also rocketing. Those who once talked about BBQs in January and pivoted to now comparing death scores will have to explain this.

It seems that old people will eventually die……


Why are you telling lies? Have you been infected by Ivor Cummins?

Are you referring to Israel or the latest fashion in child abuse? Cummins is a terrific bit of stuff, he’s spot on most of the time and he’s also been quite candid about where he’s been wrong- unlike the headcases relied upon by rte. If nothing else he has exposed a lot of the charlatans who’ve duped and gaslit a gullible public into accepting masks and lockdowns…and the charlatans know it.


You’re talking to a lad who hasn’t the foggiest notion of anything science related and regards reading actual scientific research as a waste of time, while espousing the views of some moron in the farmers journal (No offense to farmers obviously).

Are Sid and Malarkey the same person?

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Myself and @Malarkey go back a long way in e terms, even if we’re on different pages when it comes to covid. I half-noticed some conflagration or other between yourselves, and while it pains me I have to take the man as I find him. I do find his covid tunnel vision perplexing, I’d have thought his intelligence and literary background would have steeled him with a little healthy sceptism. Cummins is a case in point, he’s been an invaluable addition to wider discourse, of course he’s milking it and he’s a bit too assured in some of his opinions. But strong voices, opinions, lightening rods and touchstones are needed in these times. There’s nothing to fear in listening, debating etc. Truth usually lies somewhere in the middle, but there is no middle any more. Its been replaced with a sterile studied stupidity. Is there anything to be said for o’neill, Ryan, what’s her name etc? We all knew their current utterances six months ago, and they’ll be the same in another six months. At least Cummins has sometime interesting to say.
Like I said before, @Malarkey is a dear friend, whether he likes it or not.


I’m not that familiar with Cummins, but have seen his name come up here several times. He appears to be a heath advocate, someone with a science background who has moved on to a lifestyle guru. I’m not sure why he gets so much vitriol for that, there are worse ways of making a living than encouraging people to eat healthily and exercise. On Covid I don’t follow him but anyone who speaks against the official narrative is a target for the ZeroCovid zealots.

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Well if he has the usual suspects hopping etc he can’t be all bad. But regardless of his views, the idea that some isag stooge can confidently consider a televised debate hosted by a rigged presenter, shows how jaded and dishonestl the handling of covidbhas been

Melbourne. The science.


A tolerant society.

Today’s beachside coffee (and associated BLT :hugs: ) is dedicated to Ireland’s leading advocate for the human rights of the Australian people, @Enrique . These people deserve a voice, and we need more people like you to champion our cause.



I’ve been looking into police brutality in Australia as it peaked my interest given recent events there. My God, there is George Floyd type incidents nearly every week, particularly in Victoria.

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Australia is the most racist country on the planet and has been for a very long time.

Australian police are violent monsters

The way they deal with asylum seekers is mental.

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It’s no wonder the Oirish for the most part all just live and socialise together over there.


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Make sure you keep your 2m distance pal, the police will put you in a wheelchair otherwise


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