NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Don’t they fortify their bread and milk? My j&j adversary acquaintance assures me it’s great tack, an absolute game changer in fact

This is a very, very high rate of infection indeed. Backs up what I say about Covid following the path of least resistance.

Young people of that age are pretty much asymptomatic though thankfully, mate.

Adverse affects from the jabs are more likely than a hospitilisation in that age group outside of unfortunate kids with a serious underlying illness.

What are the deaths per 100’000 in that age group?

Is there data on that?

The risk/return there is questionable with regards to the vaccines I think. Maybe its proven. But I havent seen it.

Jesus, that’s frightening. Reckless leadership there. Quelle surprise.

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In the US it’s 554 child deaths from about 6 million infections but then there is Long Covid to think about which is a very serious concern.

The vaccine argument is categorical - kids should get vaccinated both from a personal health point of view and a societal health one.

I wouldn’t be sending a child near a school at the moment if at all possible given what’s happening in England, and there’s no logical reason to think something similar won’t happen here.

The rationale for closing schools now is if anything greater than in January.

I think the biggest difference is Sweden has had a consistent and sustainable approach throughout the pandemic, including consistent messaging. They have had sensible restrictions on the sizes of outdoor and indoor gatherings, recommending to work at home if possible, etc. Contrast that with don’t go 5 km from your house, have a meaningful Christmas, put granny next to the window, small businesses must close but large ones stay open, etc. etc.

I don’t find the argument that the Swedes conform and you can’t trust the drunken Irish/English compelling. People will by and large respond to guidance that they find sensible, and the ones that won’t comply will do what they want anyway.

This stuff matters. I don’t have the numbers for Ireland but in the US 1/3 of small businesses have shut permanently since March 2020, that’s millions of people who have had their life’s work and their finances destroyed. Surely it was not unreasonable to say businesses could stay open in a limited fashion, with limited occupancy, given that millions were pouring into supermarkets every day?

I know you think lockdowns work, but where is the evidence that western style lockdowns as employed in most countries have worked anywhere? What we have seen is recurring waves of infections and community spread as you would expect from any highly infectious disease. There is absolutely no significant difference between the profile of case growth and decline in Sweden which had a consistent approach for 1.5 years with no mandated lockdown, and countries that have lurched from lockdown to lockdown. It’s 549 days since “14 days to flatten the curve”.


Less than 0.01% deaths then out of 6 million cases. Would a bad flu season be similar? Maybe it wouldnt to be fair but - its a lot better than we were told in March 2020 regardless.

I’m not on the wind up here but without knowing the background or underlying health issues of those 544 misfortunate kids. Those numbers do suggest that 99.9% of kids have nothing to fear from this virus surely?

Long Covid seems to be over egged. Its certainly not proven yet as a real material problem.

Based off those numbers thankfully - kids should be able to go to school without any fear of being a close contact of a covid case. Thats a big win.

Especially when 90%+ of the older 16 plus population are fully vaccinated.

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Ah sure look it Chucks can get his coffee sitting on the rocks at the beach everything is fine and dandy over there

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@Chucks_Nwoko literally has his head in the sand over there. :grinning:


Guys… stay tuned. You’ll never guess where I’m headed…



Australian politicians doing their best Christof


Lockdowns work in terms of getting your cases down. They work everywhere if adhered to. It’s basic science. People staying away from each other. And they’re currently working in Australia and New Zealand. They may not get down to zero but they are minimising death and illness as they build up vaccine protection.

Nobody has ever said lockdown was the way you live forever. You do it when you need it. But you have to find a way of keeping cases down. That’s the challenge. We in Ireland weren’t up to that.

Sweden had ten times the death of their nearest neighbours, who are by far the most comparable in all aspects to them. You cannot call that a success. And compared to Norway, Denmark and Finland, they have had a bigger economic hit, with much more death and illness.

Sweden is in general a very sober and sensible society. This is probably standing them in good stead in terms of the actual behaviour of their citizens, but they could have done much, much better in terms of policy.

For what its worth I think Norway, who have done very well, have acted too quickly in removing all restrictions at just 67% vaccinated.

To return to the Sweden Israel comparison. From what I can find any measures Israel introduced this summer were paper thin and it is in fact Sweden who have been much more restrictive since around May or June. Israel probably needed a proper lockdown this summer or at least more stringent restrictions than they did bring in. They didn’t do it so it spiralled out of control and they suffered the consequences.

I would also add population densities - overall Israel has a population density 16 times that of Sweden, and while that is somewhat offset by most people in Sweden living in the southern half of the country, even if you base it on the more populated half of Sweden, Israel still has a far greater population density. Sweden too is well set up in terms of households with 40% of households being single person households. I don’t have the figure for Israel but in Ireland it is 23%.

I bet anything too the Swedes and the Scandinavians in general were already much more on the ball as regards stuff like ventilation even before the pandemic than most other places, including Ireland, and likely more than Israel, especially poorer areas.

Not to an airport anyway


This is vile. Signapore has always been a horrible place but this is next level, the likes of @Turenne living it up whilst poorer migrants live like this. Whatever about New Zealand and Australian now being unattractive for migrants, this place takes the biscuit.


If you keep Covid circulating it will rise up through the age groups. Infected children will pass it to parents and grandparents. In England, this is why deaths are still averaging 143 daily. The virus perpetuates among younger age groups and then bubbles up to the older ones.

Flu is not an appropriate comparison. The R rate for Covid is far higher and it is a much more damaging virus for society in general. It keeps burning if you let it.

It is an ideological view that Long Covid is being “overegged” and my view this is largely in order to force kids into schools and ensure full reopening of society. It is a business orientated ideology. Long Covid can by definition only be ascertained on a qualitative basis. Those who dismiss Long Covid are telling those who report debilitating symptoms that they are not actually experiencing them. Plus my understanding is we’ve had unfortunate preprints which drastically narrow the list of symptoms, presumably in order to come to results they want, a phenomenon which has bedevilled science in a mass media environment. Science cannot deal with the mass media environment because too many people are abusing it, as we see with the baseless pushing of Ivermectin.

Whereas there is no ideological basis other than patient protection to state that Long Covid is a serious problem. The other problem with recognising the prevalence of Long Covid in society in general is that it is not a “glamourous” condition. It just leaves a lot of people hidden away and suffering silently.

Chlidren really should be getting vaccinated for every reason. The rationale for vaccinating them is basically the same as for young adults.

When you’re living on heaven’s doorstep, airports are of little importance :hugs:

CC @Enrique the police were using a cat for target practice when I got back to the carpark.


As long as you avoided the pepper spray and a baton to the head it looks grand but sure then you’ve the problem that you’re still in Australia.

You’re lucky you’re stuck somewhere nice, like Sydney. God help the cunts stuck in Melbourne

The State of Victoria under Dan Andrews is a very disturbing place, I saw a documentary where cops burst in a lads house and put him in a wheelchair paralysed from the neck down because he was playing music too loud, another time they broke a lads arm so badly he is grotesquely disfigured for life. His crime? staying on the couch in his mates house

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Well he won’t forget his Loud Music Permit the next time.

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