NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Absolutely horrifying, Melbourne is a very dangerous place

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I’d say there is a big steroid problem in Australia

The data will back that up


The useless prick filming that should have given that copper a boot to the head.

NSW hits 60% double jabbed today.


They were smoking blunts the mad yokes :joy:

Australia is a very backward, racist place.

It’s mad how lads who keep roaring about right wing culture wars object to a very progressive society like Sweden yet hold up a shithole like Australia as a beacon to others.

Intelligence wouldn’t be in someone’s grasp if that’s the avenue they descend on, manically I may add.


Some murmurs that Freedom Day could be BROUGHT FORWARD a week to the 11th October!!

That falls on a Monday to mitigate the carnage in pubs and beachside coffeeshops across Sydney.

You’ll be free, and you’ll have the papers to prove it


Sweden is probably the most progressive and tolerant country in the world.



Lovely Monaghan colour scheme with the young ones outfit :clap:

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We’re they? I have see that myself but what harm.

Are you smoking blunts at the moment?

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A happy coincidence with Mrs Nwoko generally in charge of the young lad’s daily outfits. :grinning:

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No-one in Greece gives a fuck.

My mate without a vaccine got in no bother. They wouldn’t accept his Irish PCR test. Instead they swabbed him again at the passport check, it only took 2 minutes. Then they texted him his negative result when he was on the bus from the airport.

It’s a different bar culture though, they don’t mingle with strangers like we do.

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Sweden cheerleaders don’t tell you this stuff. Their pandemic policies have had a disastrous effect on healthcare throughout the country. This woman probably has cancer, but they’re telling her she’ll have to wait at least a year to find out.

Hera Gustavsson, 30, may have a cancerous tumor in her spine.

But the waiting time to be examined is 1-2 years.

She is one of many whose care was put on pause during the pandemic.

  • I’m 30 years old. I do not want to end my life yet because healthcare is on its knees, says Hera Gustavsson.

When Hera Gustavsson was pregnant with her fifth child, she got an unusual pain in her chest.

After the birth in May 2021, she was x-rayed and it turned out that the entire vertebral body was covered by a tumor.

  • I’ve been in tremendous pain. There is a risk that the pressure from the tumor creates bone fractures in my spine. I can be paralyzed if that happens, says Hera Gustavsson.

No one heard from him

Three months ago, she received the news about the tumor. Then nothing happened.

  • I had thought that when you get a tumor diagnosis, it is a doctor who sits down with one, but that is not the case, says Hera Gustavsson.

She says no doctor called her. She herself had to read in 1177 what tumors her means and get in touch with relevant bodies.

  • I had to chase the care myself to get information. I have not been allowed to be a patient in this. I have been my own caregiver, says Hera Gustavsson.

Finally, she had to do another X-ray which showed that the tumor was really developed.

To be able to assess whether it is a cancerous tumor or a benign tumor, it must be removed surgically, the doctors concluded.

But it will take time.

The letter shows: Waiting time of 1-2 years

On Tuesday, Hera Gustavsson was told, in a letter from Region Skåne that Aftonbladet has read, that the waiting time for a visit to the orthopedist is one to two years throughout the country.

Imagine the frantic googling some chaps are doing to support their crackpot views.

Right wing culture wars


He’s only interested in reading or listening to things that confirm his viewpoint as correct.

He’s far more far right in his world view than he realises.

Imagine scrambling to find a story that is a dreadful story about a woman denied cancer treatment as some vindication for his own views. When it’s the opposite in fact.


That’s the whole thing. I don’t know if he is that mentally unwell that he can’t see he’s everything he supposedly stands again. Misinformation, misrepresentation, intolerance to the views of others, trying to polarise views and turn everything into an us v them position. There can be no middle ground with him, if your views diverge slightly from his, you’re everything he has his enemy identified as.

Being fanatically dogmatic about your views and trying to force, bully or shame anyone with a conflicting viewpoint is pretty much the centre point of what he is about. I’d imagine genuine people who have a sincere interest in social justice would get very disheartened at a lunatic like him going around trying to polarise every issue into a red line issue.

In summary, a maniac.