NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Or a paid troll

That newspaper is the Swedish equivalent of the Daily Mail, but slipping towards ‘National Enquirer’ level of journalism.


Ooooft. He’ll be googling for the rest of the weekend now.

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Are you claiming the story is not true?

It’s true if you want it to be true.

Do I believe Trump won the last election?

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I’ll give you another chance to answer.

Are you claiming the story is not true?

Are you claiming everything published in every newspaper and broadcast on every TV station is true or is it just the stuff that confirms your opinion on something.

Assume it’s true, what does it prove. I can find a dozen similar stories in Ireland and we had a lockdown.

I can find an article to suit my agenda on breitbart or the guardian, whatever my agenda is that I’m trying to push on strangers on t’internet to be true.
It’s funny. I live in Stockholm. Had a non urgent medical condition come up on Tuesday and got an appointment on wednesday. They maintained on Wednesday it was better I get these tests done early in the morning so I came back in on Thursday morning. It turns out the machines they use for the procedure had been taken away for recalibration on Thursday morning before I arrived so I came back in on Friday morning and got it done. Anyone I know that is getting anything medical done, I have not heard anything of backlogs or waiting times but who knows…maybe aftonbladet are right. Maybe there’s a health crisis because of covid. They probably are. THEY ARE!!!


So in short, you don’t like the story, and thus dismiss it because it doesn’t suit your narrative.

In terms of proving my points about people on this forum who don’t like my views - ie. the lies of you - retreating into an alternate reality rather than debate against it, that’s an absolute doozy.

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None of that addresses the question. But @TheUlteriorMotive gave it a like, so congratulations on that.

Are you denying this is true - a New Zealander denied cancer treatment

Is this true



It’s gone quiet…


Reaction GIF

Some furious googling happening now.


Lol, life like totally normal in Melbourne. Nothing to see here.

The narrative from the anti-lockdowners has been that the people of Melbourne were all up in arms over this lockdown.

Looks like they were lying. :grinning:

Melbourne can be proud on the double.

Well done Demons, supporters and Premier Andrews.

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This looks almost like something a right wing totalitarian state might try and do


Wow. You really are that stupid. And duplicitous and disingenuous. Ignore.

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Every Irishman I know here was cheering on the Demons last night. Very happy for them. I’d say Max Gawn would put away a fair drop.

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In the absence of anything whatsoever of substance to say, you only have personal insults.

The standard of argument against me on this forum is so, so, soooo poor. And you’re one of the primary poster children for that lack of argument.

Noteworthy that you’re now linking to extreme right propagandist Paul Joseph Watson.

I don’t have to say any more.