NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s hardly surprising that a Murdoch owned tabloid rag would have taken an editorial decision to pretend the pandemic does not exist.

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NY Times has one article about the booster in California

Rte have returned to profit thanks the Government revenue off this covid shite

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Visitor numbers to the UK plummeted from 40.9 million in 2019 to 11.1 million in 2020 – a dip of 73%.

But 2021 seems to have gone even worse for the UK’s inbound tourism sector, with just 7.4 million visitors predicted to visit before the year is out – down 82% on 2019.

Cases in Israel seem to have fallen back again dramatically. Any reason for that ? Boosters. Lock down ?

Virus goes up, virus goes down, virus goes up, virus goes down, virus goes up, virus goes down.

Restrictions, lockdowns, vaccines etc don’t really play much of an impact in that - it’s just the nature of viruses. Different countries have taken different approaches, it’s largely been the same everywhere.

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Guys why is nobody talking about Sierra Leone here?

Population of 8m+
6k~ cases
Just 121 deaths

What’s their secret?

Something rotten

How do they compare to their neighbours Sweden?

My understanding is that Sweden have pretty much given up the ghost as regards counting accurately and their figures are not reliable.

For all Denmark’s problems now, I would much rather be there than in Sweden.

Why are Denmark, a country with a similar population to us, conducting 10 times more tests per day than us?

Because they invested heavily in expanding testing capacity.

Denmark ended all restrictions about two month before Ireland too.


So cases go up, cases go down, cases go up, cases go down, cases go up and cases come down again.

And a wide array of sanctions like lockdowns, restrictions, vaccination rollouts and vaccination passports have little real impact on them. In fact some of the more restrictive measures seem to have an adverse impact.


It sort of does seem a bit of an oversight to refuse to test symptomatic vaccinated people.

The Swedes now claim the virus has a magic sensor which ensures it only spreads when there are 100 people or more at a venue.

I’m yet to be convinced of that.

Great stuff. The noose is tightening on the filthy unvaccinated freaks.

First they came for the weirdo, smelly, basement dwelling, tin foil hat anti-vaxers…

Hon the Czechs.

I think its time to start setting up groups of concerned citizens to assist in rounding up those who refuse vaccination.

Who here can swing a back of doorknobs?