NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

That’s nothing, sure the paddies think it only comes out after midnight.

The ghettoisation of a class of citizen in Europe by their own government. Who’d have thought we’d live to see it.

Whether you agree with it or not it’s amazing what fear can allow a government to do. Any study of the growth of totalitarianism in the early 20th century needs to be seen through this new lenses we have - the water gets heated gradually and people tend to go with the flow without having any really strong views


Paddy is the classic boiling frog


I’m keeping an open mind but I suspect governments are togging it at the thought of unvaccinated lads faring better than their triple jabbed counterparts.
Rule nothing out…except yet another booster


Ah, hello… Ballymun, Moyross etc. etc…

You can’t see them from SoDuCo

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I see seven towers, but I only see one way out

Cases gone WAY down in Florida. Must be a savage lockdown there


Ron could march on the capitol on December the sixth and they’d welcome him with open arms

Would you attribute it to hard lockdowns, a governor instituting mask and vaccine mandates or their fit and young population?

Once its at least 6 months since your second vaccination.

I see Swedens PM has stepped down to be succeeded by the chief from IKEA. Apparently he’s assembling his cabinet at the moment. *

*God bless Marty.


Fair play to Johnson, has the country open.

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Michael Worobey’s excellent work is making it difficult to see how the origin of SARS CoV 2 is anything other than what we originally thought, ie. that it came from an animal market in Wuhan.

But I thought this was impossible? :grinning:

They must be so jealous of us.

Echo chamber alert

If you believe CCP data. I don’t. They had cases in November.