NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Is Boris bringing face nappies back? I thought they didn’t have covid on the mainland anymore?

Sweden seems unbothered by Omnicunt.

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350 cases of the new cod variant in the Mainland, not one person hospitalized say the Health secretary


They didn’t concern themselves too much with the delta variant

And meehawl and co want to keep it out

Playdate or panto?

Sunday game and 4 pints for me thanks

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Wouldnt happen I sweden

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That’s my vote

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But she had her Covid passport.

Leo can’t even have a can in the park and Sweden’s prime minister out raving til 4am.

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Or shove something up his nose at a festival


Boris has launched the “Get boosted now” campaign.

Anyone who received their 2nd jab at least 3 months ago can register for a booster.

Not one more drop of that shite is going into me, hopefully I won’t die of a runny nose

