NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

@glasagusban isn’t the only person with mates.

That chart just shows that vaccines are working really, really well? Romania has a vaccination rate of 40%

It’s over, Sid has pivoted to pro Sweden.


The only area that the Swedes were a bit more zealous than the rest of the continent was sports stadiums where they were reluctant to open capacity up.

Sid 15th of November

Sid 27th of Decmeber

We need to be more like Sweden



I know a lad who in similar circumstance and he passed the pcr with Randox. Now he did say the tester was amazed as he was only 3 weeks post infection, but it worked. .
Also will the Czechs not accept a certificate of recovery?

Only picking this up now boss. Sorry to hear that. Myself and herself had a discussion last night and we have decided there will be no foreign holiday next year. Its not worth the hassle. God knows what’s going to happen between new variants, weekly changes to foreign travel rules, restrictions etc. Its just not worth it


'Tis very funny seeing the OIUTF lads rounding on the Biden administration for doing what the lads themselves want.

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don’t let Holohan win, book your holiday ffs, I was in Cyprus and Corisca at the height of it

Ah it’s not that kid. It’s the sheer hassle of it. I couldn’t be arsed going g through all these different procedures going in and out of airports. Antigen tests for this. Pcr tests for that. Fuck that shit. I’ve been pulled and poked and have had enough needles in me over the last three years to last a lifetime

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No explicitly states CORs won’t apply, if they had the booster doing a PCR wouldn’t apply although that’s pointless as it wasn’t available to that age group. Actually on that I think
I read somewhere we won’t get updated vaccine certs until January.

It’ll be just vaccine passports again by Easter.

Hopefully, either way. We’ve made up our minds about it.

Surely a break in Ireland is a busman’s holiday for you. Only with the family in tow and not enjoying a relaxing pint in your own in a Clayton Hotel in Louth :wink:

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Know nothings like this lad need to log on here and see some real expertise in action.

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Other countries are moving on with things. We’ll have to do the same or we’ll have a defacto lockdown in January.

RTE news : Australia looks to ease Covid test rules as cases surge

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Hands up the checkers fans who never understood why we had the chess pieces. (CC @Enrique :wink: )

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