NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I didn’t dismiss the point dumdum. I agree with the point. I’m ridiculing your approach to the discussion. You can dismiss commentators wholesale when you disagree with them, but also selectively quote them where they agree with you despite you having vehemently disagreed with them in the past.

Youngest all clear today on an antigen tested positive last Wednesday and on a PCR on Thursday she was meant to be going to Prague with the boyfriend in early January but the Czechs from today have said you need a negative PCR to enter. They will have to cancel now as fragments of the virus will show up for weeks. She’s devastated, had practically no symptoms we were only testing ourselves for the oul lad to feel safe coming up Christmas Day.


They might pass the PCR.

Very doubtful he had it as well and didn’t even have a runny nose might be worth booking one in the next few days to road test it

What a bizarre post.

You say you agree with the points made by Michael Mina, but ridicule me posting them up?

That makes less than no sense.

But then again, that is a characteristic that has been common to so many of your posts during this pandemic.

As I said, it is fascinating to see you retreat into child like petulance based on some personal bee you have stuck in there in your little bonnet.

What I was ridiculing was clear enough. Give it a read again in morning and I’m confident you’ll figure it out mate.

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People know the risks when they book travel abroad.

There are many worse things that can happen than not being able to go on a city break in January.

The only thing you are ridiculing is your own posting style.

I’m pretty sure that’s not deliberate. So you’d probably want to have a look at that posting style.

Very helpful thank you


From the one man unintentional irony show :smiley:

What’s the irony?

Burn him!

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Remember when he said that he would sort out Covid?

Durty cunts and believing the science rather than internet weirdos

Sweden had tougher Covid restrictions than most of Europe for most of 2021.

So they’re a decent argument for the success of restrictions.

Weird that lads here would argue against themselves, but shure that’s TFK for ya! :grinning:

Graph linked was estimated excess deaths for October. Let’s look at the lockdown stringency in September.


Sweden had tighter restrictions than Ireland, bud.

Pubs and cafes were heavily restricted and in contrast to Ireland, very few spectators were admitted to sporting events.

Sweden played Spain in a key World Cup qualifier in September in front of a largely empty stadium at a time when Ireland were playing front of 25k and 41k were attanding the All-Irelands.

Facts are a cruel mistress.

When yis argue for Sweden being successful in 2021, yis arguing against yisser selves.


Oh dear, and the Swedes now have vaccine passports too…

Some bastion of “freedom™”, eh?

Yis need to boycott them…they sold yis out :grinning:

Weren’t you scathing of their policies when you were making a song and dance about them hiding cases and got caught out trying to spoof their death figures. Then when hospitalisations and deaths didn’t materialise from these hidden cases you were nowhere to be seen. My mate living in Sweden filled me in on their restrictions. Pretty moderate. No magic meals or masks while walking to the dancefloor.


Your “mate living in Sweden” :grinning:

And you talk about spoofing… :grinning: