NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Kudos to the Victorian government. Great decision.

It’s good to see the states have progressed since Queensland let Johnny Depp’s dog bypass quarantine last year. A dark day in the state’s colourful history.


Yeah a lot of the test centres are drive throughs, hence the longer queues. Wait time for results has gone from about 7 hours to 36-48 hours with the uptick in volume.

This should settle fairly quickly as Queensland do not require a negative PCR for entry from January 1st. (This was the reason for 40% of people going for tests).


a whopping 183,000 cases on the mainland today, its going totally gangbusters

The micks had more per capita

Everyone on North Clare has it, it must be the same everywhere, from what I can see no one cares about it anymore


Who is getting the contract for next lot of empty hospitals @Tassotti


Few lads won’t like that. The Swedes were right basically. But sure they are all dead


Hindsight is great.


Surprised at The Guardian running a story like that.

He says he rejects the Great Barrington Declaration and yet then proceeds to say everything they said.

Not very honest, is it?

Very True… But Western science had well established set of protocols to deal with such diseases. Sweden followed them, ourselves and the rest of Europe departed from them and followed a bastardised eastern attempt to curtail it.

Finger pointing is pointless now tho… We need to try and learn lessons and be ready for the next one… I don’t hold out much hope if that.

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We’ve seen it on here in last few days as the LITDF lads pretend they never favoured lockdowns.

Tony Holohan tweeted 3 times and they denied it.


The initial outbreak in Communist China and their totalitarian response emboldened the public health lads to suggest lockdowns even though they were never in the pandemic playbook.


That’s fine when you’ve the army on the street ready to shoot people breaking lockdown…

The science on this is very clear. And it’s so basic that a five year old can understand it. By far the most effective way of controlling a novel, highly contagious respiratory disease is to keep people away from each other physically.

It was the countries who locked down who followed the science and the countries who rejected lockdown who rejected the science.

100% following the lead of those commie fruitcakes, look at the state of the place since


Nailing lads into their homes. Parading lads around with signs.

The looney left.

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Imagine thinking you’d been nailed into your home.

Some lads desperately need to invent the idea they’ve been oppressed.

Saves them from having to live in the real world, I suppose.