NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The looney left and their dystopian lockdown hell have a lot to answer for, they have destroyed a generation


If the Guardian are running this you know it’s bad

There’s been a noticeable pivot in the Guardian lately


The NY Times have even published the odd balanced article.

Literally everything in that article contravenes what Cha Fitzpatrick said on his video blog. He must be in hock to the CCP like Mick Wallace.


In January 2020 there was widespread coverage on Chinese TV regarding people being arrested (disappeared forever) for “spreading false rumors about a new pneumonia”. I’d say there’s a good chance the CCP got their message across.

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A shame our politicians don’t have the guts to do similar.


I’ve given that a like.

You like Aborigines being locked up? Because that’s pretty much who this is aimed at.


It appears only certain lives matter to Glas.

Its poor trolling/wuming at best to be honest.

Imagine if our lot tried lockdown the unvaccinated in somewhere like rathkeale to stop the spread. :joy:

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Lots of Aboriginal tribes in the NT

Unfortunately, the tweet is slightly misleading. These savages are still allowed out and about to buy groceries etc. They should be left to starve.

The sooner this premise is extended to all states the better.

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What a shithole


They’ve should be locked in a house with a saltie. If they can kill it they get to eat it. Fair deal, I think.

Is that Simone from the Ballygawley Roundabout?

45k cases in NSW today. Chief Dominic seems happy to let her rip at this stage.

The Aussies have lost their minds

the zero Covid lads need to watch out