NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


This time last year Glas was crying for international travel to open up but demanding Irish society remained locked down.

Best of luck Nole.


They did more for the anti vax movement than any Government have globally. Idiots.

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If he’s a conspiracy theorist he deserves to be taken seriously…if the last two years have taught us anything

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That what these vaccine loons don’t get.

The minute I heard whispers of mandatory vaccinations id refuse to get it.

There was some Johnny Bravo lookalike interviewed at some pool party in Canada or the US at the start of the pandemic and all of his predictions came through about vaccine passes, booster shots, suppression of freedom.

Does anyone have that video?


I certainly wouldn’t be dismissing him out of hand anymore tbh even though my natural instinct would be to think he’s a lunatic. Do you agree with the gist of what he’s saying ?

You can trust the Australians to make a fuck of it.

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Is this the guy?


He should be running Ryanair.


Seems excessive. Djokovic had COVID recently so would have stood no chance against a vaccinated athlete

That’s the guy.

In that tweet? Quite possibly…we’re living in a global community and a handful of people have the money, ego and desire to place themselves as leaders. They’ve spoken openly about resets, a central digital currency, the opportunity presented by the pandemic etc. How much of it is realistic and how much is just the grandstanding of a bundle of wankers…hard to say. If they do get anywhere it’ll only be a matter of time before China gobbles up them and anything they’ve created.

I took a glance at his feed…I thought this was good- I hope the lidtf lads will ponder it


That’s a nice wind up alright. Id just love once to see an opinionated internet know all on either side admit they were wrong if it doesn’t turn out like they say it will though. I suppose the trick is keep it all nice and vague and sweeping.

Are you having a dig at me? If so could I ask you to be more specific?

I’m not actually believe it or not I was thinking more of yer man but interesting that you’d see a bit of yourself in it. Id apply that statement to anyone really.

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No, it’s when you say wind up…it could mean teasing or summarising. I wasn’t sure which.

What do you think of La Haine?

Again I meant yer man la haine.