NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Isn’t that guy “Peter Sweden” a far right extremist?

I literally stated exactly what the data is.

You were the person trying to misrepresent the data to prove that UK deaths are not at their highest level since last February.

They are.

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

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Boris is getting rid of mandatory masks and certs and is giving organisations the option of whether they want to use them or not.

I think that’s reasonable

I stated the data.

You tried to dispute and misrepresent the data because it didn’t suit your narrative.

That’s also called lying.

It’s no wonder you’re now reduced to trawling the internet for stupid memes.

Great to see the experts admitting that @glenshane was right all along. The apology wasn’t necessary by I’m happy to accept it on behalf of the tfk oiutf contingent


I don’t know. Is what he says true?

Where are your detractors now?

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The information contained within his tweet is true.

The point is he’s a far right extremist who saw a news report from a reputable source online - the type of reputable source the likes of him say are “fake news”, and simply repeated what it said. Why would you cite a far right extremist sock puppet as a source, instead of an actual reputable source?

Why does @BruidheanChaorthainn continually link to far right accounts?

Is @BruidheanChaorthainn a far right sympathiser?

I have no idea what far right means man.

If the information in his tweet is correct as you say, why would you try to denigrate or undermine him as opposed to dealing with the content?
You’re shooting the messenger because you don’t like what he says. It only serves to undermine you and your own arguments.

I have no idea about who BC links to etc. I’m not on twitter.

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You are a far right apologist.

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You’ve got me now.

I only linked it because it’s good news

I don’t know, but wherever they are I wish them health and happiness. I also hope that they’ve learned their lesson.

I made no comment at all on the content of the tweet.

That you claim I did only undermines your “argument” (whatever that is supposed to be - because I can’t see any). Doesn’t it?

I made a comment about the account that @BruidheanChaorthainn linked to.

@BruidheanChaorthainn routinely links to far right accounts.

That raises serious questions about his political views.

Doesn’t it?

Funnily enough “shooting the messenger” is something that is routinely done to me here because of the intense personal dislike many posters here have for me.

But I haven’t ever seen you call that out.

I don’t vote

What a plan.

Anyone on TFK agree with this worldview?