NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

We’ll all be in the pub by Sunday evening



There are experts saying we may need to maintain lockdown status for 18 months, and he’s saying we will be back up and running by Easter Sunday :joy:

If the former are right, we are going back about a century in living standards. If he is right Democrats don’t have to bother campaigning for November.

Time to buy some shares.


Johnson’s personal poll ratings are rocketing. Genuinely. Not a teeny bit but a proper unprecedented surge. Separate YouGov polling shows that last week 43 per cent were favourable towards the PM, and 46 per cent unfavourable (net score -3). This week, in a survey carried out before last night’s lockdown was announced, it is 55/35, giving Johnson a net favourability score +20.
To put that in context, a month ago he was on -7; at the time of the December election -12; when he became prime minister -23, and at the end of 2019 -34.

Financial sector ETFs, the banks are going to make out like bandits again with all this newly printed money flying around.

The downside is a pint will be $20.

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It’ll just split the rich poor gap even wider.
It cannot end well this wealth gap.

Did I just hear trump right on the news there?

We’ll lose a number of people to the flu but we need to get the country back to work

He’s been on Fox all morning, it’s great entertainment.

Has he taken to calling it the flu?

No, he said 30,000 will die of the flu this year and we didn’t shut the country down. Either he knows something we don’t know yet, or he’s gone out on a limb that’s even madness for him.

He’s at 60% approval for his handling of this, probably feeling invincible.

Played fantastically to the base and the god crowd with all the Easter talk. Said he watched a service online on Sunday - his casual lies that he just makes up on the spot are great.


Watching porn more likely.

Fauci back, up your bollox CNN.

He gives the same update on the 2 ships every day.
2 trillion eh. Bonus heaven for the boys.

He gives the people what they want. Truth is unimportant.



Trump sounding like a fella that won’t run for a second term

Eh, he’s already in the middle of the campaign for his second term

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I’d say this changes it big time for lots of fellas in politics particularly if there’s a second wave

BBC News - Coronavirus: What this crisis reveals about US - and its president