NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

And the chances of those thick fucks adhering to it?

It won’t be happening imo, more like 2-3 months. If you listen to Andrew Cuomo last night he is essentially saying the same thing as Trump, but can express himself clearly. Governments have to do two things, and try and balance them: get the outbreak under control and spread out the infection rate so hospitals etc can deal with it, while also planning for getting the economy back up and running. If you don’t do the latter, and the economy completely collapses, we are looking at a decade like the 1930s.

Is that today I wonder? If it is the army needs to be sent in.

Yes. That was this morning.

I definitely think you’re right that’s what’s needed. Trump was specific that it was weeks and not months though. He’s wrong to say that in my opinion as it will make the longer close down harder to enforce now.

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A lot of winter hats in that photo?

Great protection

Tans dont want to catch the cold but they’re ok with a dose of coronavirus

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Andrew Cuomo should be the Democratic candidate in November.

It’s the thick fuck that decided that the Tube should have a restricted service that’s to blame.

It was pointed out here by me minutes after the measures were announced last Thursday that pictures like that would be the inevitable result.

It’s fcuking freezing here mate. All the roads are salted. There’s ice in the hills already, and snow forecast.

Here’s where he got the cure being worse than the virus craic anyway

No wonder they’re not testing

It was actually 19 degrees in South Wales :astonished:
Wind about to swing northerly though

They’re already over the hump so?

America doesn’t do austerity in a crisis, that’s why the US economy has done well since 2008/9 compared to a lot of Europe. Austerity makes no sense if you want to get out of recession.

If the right balance is not struck here between fighting this disease and keeping the economy going as best we can, we are looking at another great depression. Don’t agree with Trump’s weeks estimate, but there are parts of the economy that need to be restarted, and obviously parts that are being ramped up like health care supplies, etc.

Why are 90% of those being tested, testing negative then? Maybe the test isn’t sensitive enough unless you have a high viral load? Maybe a huge number of tests are giving false negatives?

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60% sensitive is what I’m hearing. That’s a fairly high false negative rate, though some of that is down to sample technique apparently, which should improve.

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Ps apparently Donald has 60% approval rating on his handling of the coronavirus. Americans would rather have someone else die than lose a few quid themselves.
His reasoning is that a hape of folk would commit suicide anyway if the economy suffered.

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