NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Jacinda is making a fine mess of things but we’ll say nothing about it

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Sid should move to New Zealand.

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Interestingly enough the filthy rich self styled “libertarian” plutocrat set are desperate to move to New Zealand.

Seems they don’t practice what they preach.

2 years in, Ireland and the Mainland have defeated covid. Those New Zealand clowns are stuck at March 2020


An article bigging up how attractive New Zealand is to foreigners. From 2018 :grinning:


The female lead will drag up a post about how she cycles to work rather than take a car and get 5 million likes

Jacinta trying to “control” omicron :sweat_smile:

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Sounds as though they have really given up but are trying to give the illusion of trying to control it to the population who are still scared stiff of Covid. Never mind that they are screwing over expats and migrants further, what’s another few weeks for a dreadful border policy?

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Their strategy post Covid was to try and attract more of these people and not dreadful low paid migrants. Those were the low paid migrants who were pissing and moaning when NZ shut their borders and they had no social security. :roll_eyes:

Remember though, NZ is a left wing paradise. Jacinda puts out to some very nice influencer posts on LinkedIn.


New Zealand would have needed at least 150 times the death rate they have had for da ladz here to class them as a success.

I reckon the lad came to his senses and this is just a way to save face

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oh Jacinta

Wow, who would have predicted that closing your door to immigrants would lead to shortages in healthcare staff?!

The same Kiwis who boasted for 18 months about them being a “team of 5m” and turning their back to the world are now crying out for expert healthcare staff from overseas.

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A points based immigration system? The LinkedIn fans won’t like that!

That wanker trudeau might be about to climb onboard a helicopter bound for behind @mikehunt 's sofa

It appears to be over and you’re still angry. Are you angry because you were wrong or that more didn’t die in the countries that took the virus seriously?


Trudeau is an unmerciful creep. You can feel disenfranchised or frustrated with the self serving nature of Irish politicians but this fella is on a whole different level.


Great post. He’s on the level many Irish politicians aspire to

Ah now Mike. No call for that