NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Your Covid performance was in total contrast to your club football performances as a chisler.

You believed a cure that didn’t work was better than a preventative measure that did. I’d expect that logic from the likes of @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @gaillimhmick. I can pay you no bigger insult and hope to never have to resort to such an utterance again.

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Are you feeling lonely?

You silly bollix. There are dozens of trials, senior physicians, case studies, government health departments etc that say the cure does work…but you’ve been schooled by Pat and Claire,so your credentials can’t really be questioned. And of course the sort of preventative works, sort of…clearly its of considerable benefit to some people and of none to others.

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Ivermectin only works on Covid patients who have worms.

No, there are not. That statement is a flat out lie.

Why do you keep lying? What drives the urge to lie?

Besides, the Ivermectin bullshit was doubled bullshit, because the Ivermectin bullshit pivoted on the ‘let everybody get Covid and just give them Ivermectin’ bullshit.

But I am interested in the psychology of lying. Why do you feel the need to keep lying?

I doubt that either yourself or Mike have any intention of even remotely considering anything other than the conservative establishment position, nevertheless I care deeply about you both: If you were to change your minds a little it would be but a small victory for me. For you however it would be a triumph.
Sure why don’t you watch the following, we can discuss any concerns when we’re all better informed

They should open their tiny minds and listen to someone like Jordan Petersen

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Where are the “dozens” of endorsements you cite? Where are they? And do you want to give us the latest on why everyone should have been let get Covid from March 2020 onwards and then miraculously cured by being given Ivermectin? Because that craic was – and seemingly still is – your position.

I had listened to Dr John Campbell before. He is full of it – and has been exposed for being full of it. I see his doctorate is from the University of Bolton. A far cry from Harvard.

You decry “the conservative establishment position” but are a middle-aged man lying on the internet. What credibility do you have, if you are first and foremost a liar?

This crux interests me, since you do not seem to be dim or a personality alibi merchant, like most of the OIUTF gobdaws.

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Or they should live in Clare and work as an engineer, while pretending on the internet to have a far more interesting life that could form the basis of a newspaper column.

You should rename yourself ‘Daire Gan Gaire’. There are a lot of similarities.

A lot of repressed emotions would explain their behaviour. They are resentful and bitter about their Iives and the rejection they experience. It’s classic psychology according to Dr Peterson.

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Go easy on oul’ @glenshane, he’s recovering from long Covid. The brain fog must be a hewar, although that’s unconnected to the Covid in his case.

Classic case here, the forum’s biggest woman hater. @TheUlteriorMotive is the sort of lad who came to mind immediately two weeks ago this evening.

Says the ladeen for whom TFK counts as the entity that equates to LIFE magazine in the past life of Gerald Kean.

The vulgarian’s vulgarian. The sort of ladeen that sends his children to play hockey, so they can pre network.

Bluster? Take a look back over what you’ve written…and what I originally wrote

My question is simple but you continue to ignore it: where are the “dozens” of endorsements of Ivermectin that you cite?

Dr John Campbell might be a bit better than Ivor Cummins and Jordan Peterson but he still is a charlatan. They are grifters but Dr John just seemed to want a hobby for his retirement.

Cribbing about Claire Byrne and Pat Kenny on the internet is not wisdom but recreational complaint, the sort that makes Joe Rogan et al so very wealthy.

Ha ha. I drop a hook in the water and you bite with your parochial references.

It’s too easy.


You are a vulgarian fuckwit, which is a condition rather than a state.

Not that you are good with distinctions beyond the prompts of vulgarity and hatred grease.

“parochial”… Most amusing. Hurling is for the little people with 171 reg cars and who do not treat their children as a social experiment. Then again, most so called religious people are really just attracted to feeling superior in a way that neither their intellect nor their personality ever licensed.

So where are they?

Where are who, or what?