NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Campbell started out as a reasonably OK commentator back at the start of the pandemic but Ivermectin sucked him right into the rabbit hole and he’s gone cuckoo from that point on.

Nobody who falls down the Ivermectin rabbit hole gets out with their sanity intact. Every cuckoo belief about Covid and the pandemic in general flows inevitably from that point. Same as with people who have cuckoo beliefs about the moon landings and 9/11, it doesn’t ever stop there.

Ivermectin is by definition a one way tribal war, conspiracy theory thing because Ivermectin peddlers are arguing against reality. The deluded, hurt ego completely takes over and the person is lost to rational persuasion. Once somebody argues against reality on one point, the mental floodgates for every other crazy piece of nonsense out there are well and truly open.

Not cute and not funny.

The “dozens” of Ivermectin endorsements you cited 18 posts above. Where are they? By your own comment, you need to record at least 36 of them.

OK. I’m a poor writer so I just wanted to check if your comprehension or my writing might be causing confusion
Before we start, could you provide a list of doctors, academic institutions, countries, types of qualifications etc which should be excluded. I was completely unaware that the alumni from the university of bolton were disqualified

@anon67715551 what’s your assessment of the current evidence in favour of ivermectin?

You’re just scrawling slogans now.

You can do better than that.

Translation: you cannnot cite “dozens” of endorsements as regards Ivermectin as a remedy for people ill with Covid-19.

Why not save us all some time and admit as much?

I have nothing against University of Bolton. I just find the juxtaposition amusing because of some lads’ awe about someone going to Harvard.

But I do not have to do any more, where a vulgarian fuckwit who treats his children as a social experiment is concerned. Vulgarity, at bottom, is an expression of simplemindedness.

I’d be more inclined to stick with amoxicillin and neomycin myself.
Supplements are essential.

Life Magazine in the Sindo for one.

Posting about my children, while designed to try and annoy me, just shows you up as an absolute creep.


Keep going. There is nothing more amusing than a shrill vulgarian fuckwit who is a shill for every right wing inanity going.

Imagine what sort of a creep turns his children into a social experiment. Now, there is one to ponder.

Why are you aggressively and continuously slagging the way he treats his children? That seems a bit much. Especially since I don’t think he’s said much about them bar one fella has special needs and they play gaa and hockey.


Not at all. I’m perfectly happy to sate your curiosity. I just thought I was important to establish some parameters…there’s no point in referring to a qualified experienced doctor citing and analysing several studies while explaining the science behind the drug…only to find the reference has been disqualified for some unforseen reason

He’s annoyed with me because I called out his spoofing about Covid infection rates as being a key metric as being wrong. For a lad who prides himself on being a million times more intelligent than anybody else that stung him. Badly.

He’s now acting out and lashing out at my children. They represent youth and potential. He’s lost that. That stings.

He wants to travel back in time and right the wrongs of his past, see what road he took that led him away from Oxbridge as an undergrad with the world at his feet and ended on a barstool with a red face and fat ankles.

In summary @Malarkey is a Human De Lorean.


Mate, just back up your position.

No problem Harold. I’ll probably have a spare 5 minutes later this evening.

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he destroyed himself with that one

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@glenshane is the sort of fella who when asked to articulate and back up his position will reverse a truck over an embankment.

Anti-vaxxers and trucks, eh.

:grinning: I have to say I lol’d at that.

It must be tough on them having to be the adults in the house.