NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

A relatively progressive enlightened people I suppose. The Japanese lads have been using away at ivermectin…their government isn’t prepared to see unnecessary deaths just to appease pharmaceutical companies and lunatics wedded to unhealthy and unscientific ideology


I remember Jimmy and Sinbad from Brookside in the hot tub in Club M in Temple Bar in the late 90s.

We were a proper country then.


Not including Scotland.

Expect a stream of Comical Ali blah blah blah from our resident thickheads in response.

Still similar to Ireland?

I see some lads are still ripping with cruel Ardern for not killing more.

92 deaths is nearly twice as many as the catastrophic failures of New Zealand have had in the entire pandemic.

Another year effectively … And nothing to say things will be any better in October.

All joking aside have they not realised that Omicron, by almost every account including nphet and the Irish government’s, is actually a cod. Forgetting about past deaths etc how can we have no restrictions and they have that?

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A new variant will come along and they’ll shit their togs again.

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a new even milder variant

New Zealand have had a magnificent pandemic. New Zealand have had 50 fatalities in total. Sweden had five times that in the last week.

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It’s 53 now. That changes everything.

The increase will cheer the mentallers up no doubt.

They are very strange people.

At what stage do they have to call it a day?

New Zealanders are basically living in an open prison

The virus isn’t going away, do they stay locked down for forever? Surely now during summer was the time to open up

The law and order brigade hate open prisons?

They say prison is supposed to be punishment but that open prisons are like a reward?

The law and order brigade are the same people that think New Zealand failed?

The law and order/OIUTF cult say New Zealand failed because life is and has been too good there?

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250 dead in a week in Sweden?