NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

According to this anyway.

Are people not dying of other causes in NZ? That’s fantastic. Lockdowns have cured all deaths there.

Maybe post that to the appropriate thread. This is the Covid thread.

You’re advocating lockdowns and closing national borders based on covid deaths. Therefore discussing the overall death rate and national health in relation to those same policies is absolutely pertinent here.

You make it appear that NZ were in lockdown for 2 years. They were more open than Sweden with 70k at rugby matches etc. They had less fatalities in 2 years than Sweden had last week. I can understand your frustration as Ardern has made mugs of quite a few taypots like yourself on TFK.


They had less fatalities in 2 years than Sweden had last week? That’s incredible, must look that up. Oh wait, are you doing that weird thing again where covid deaths are the only metric to judge how to run society and we ignore all other deaths? Sounds like it but perhaps you can clarify

70k at rugby games is more important than citizens being able to get into their country.

You have to laugh.

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Deary me

The key metric that the experts, decision makers or media tend to look at (or ignore if you’re a mentaller) during a pandemic is fatalities. I’m sure there are lists for other diseases that will give you the answers to your question but these are irrelevant to the Covid discussion unless you’re trying to deflect.

It’s hospitals actually.

That decision saved thousands of lives Tim and you’re not one bit happy about it.


This will all have to be judged in time. NZ will only feel the costs of border closures in years to come. QALY and other assessments will take years to consider, for example the impact on their hospitals of short staff and lack of GPs is an interesting one that we won’t fully understand for a long time.

Already they cannot staff their hospitals and like Australia, are crying out for critical skills workers when the borders reopen. Many migrants have already decided enough is enough and message will be out there on how NZ treats migrants.

In broader moral terms, turning themselves into a Bio State and not a Nation State is an interesting one. NZ treated foreign migrants stranded there like shit, forcing them to beg to feed themselves.

NZ leaned on the rest of the world looking after their citizens and keeping international trade and travel going to subsist in their splendid isolation. An example of this was in a piece today with a man trapped in Ireland.

His work visa was up but no doubt Ireland was paying him PUP while he was unable to get into a “lottery win” to enter his own country. I wonder will Jacinda release a video thanking the Irish state and other ones for looking after her fellow citizens who she treated like bio weapons?

Wealthy foreigners (who Jacinda wanted to attract) though were given precedence.

You seem to admire wealthy foreigners getting precedence, treating poorer migrants like shit and keeping one’s own citizens locked out which is interesting given you claim that others are uncaring. And the 70k comment is interesting too. FYI btw, Auckland went through a 107 lockdown pre Christmas.

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More deflection. No one doubts there were tough stories for certain individuals trying to get back to NZ but it was a massively brave decision by Ardern and her government. The financial implications of their decisions are irrelevant when looking at the minimal body count. Economies recover, dead people don’t. She has been thoroughly vindicated and you are absolutely seething. Dry your eyes.


But even if you accept they’ve got things right overall and done a great job up to now they still have to treat the current situation differently given what we now know about omicron? I’ve family in WA and they can’t get home despite us completely opened up with the same virus and same vaccination levels. If not now when?

the lockdown slightly postponed deaths. It didn’t render the over 80s in New Zealand immortal as you seem to think

Tonga did well on Covid deaths too.

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Actually it’s tens of thousands of citizens locked out.

Many of these are younger who would like to return to build families back in NZ.

If we go to older citizens, cases are popping up in droves of people who were left trapped in Australia after NZ pulled the plug on the travel bubble. Many pensioners have had their pensions stopped by the NZ government who are locking them out of the country. In this instance, this couple traveled as the man needed surgery.

Describing a multi faceted societal problem as an “individuals” issue is like me saying that the 5k who died of Covid was a problem for individuals alone here.

It has taken a pregnant female citizen using the Taliban to expose the vile border policy of NZ.

You support a society that targets wealthy foreigners, that treats poorer migrants poorly and that doesn’t value citizenship.


So they should have just let it rip cos we’re all going to die sometime? That does give some insight to the mentaller outlook.

You continue to ignore the key metric Tim. Tough decisions were made to protect the elderly and vulnerable from dying. You are obsessed with the financial implications. Luckily most people don’t think like you.

NZ are struggling to staff GPs which their border policies directed cited as the main reason. Many GPs are also nearing retirement.

GPs are the primary point of contact for elderly people and their health.

Tick tock….Mike won’t get the impact of that on a Worldometers graph though.

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But one of your “benefits” was citing society being open and “70k at rugby games”. It’s funny how you like to go for the crunch of caring more when your statements reveal who you really are deep down.