NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s deeply touching I mean that much to you that you’d go to the trouble of making that meme up.

I’m all about the easy likes

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Well I suppose at least he didn’t a use a bunker like your hero Trump did, or fly around on planes to nowhere when the World Trade Centre came crashing down like Bush did.

No comment about the fascist tactics of the astro-turf “convoy”, I see. Very telling.

Stage 4.

Why do the woke “left” hate the working class?

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This lad thinks fellas running around around with confederate and Nazi flags are the “working class”.

Meanwhile he’s silent about these astro-turf goons deliberately crippling the emergency services and police in Ottawa for kicks.

Be pretty hard to display more of a pathological hatred of the working class than that.

Smashing interview with the great Sarah Kendzior here about how the so called “convoy” in Canada is really a fascist attack on liberal democracy.

This doesn’t seem relevant to the thread. Anyway, do you think anyone reads these articles you post? I really don’t know why you bother reposting so many articles and Twitter threads here.

I’d say an analysis of how a paranoid belief in crazy conspiracy fostered by mass propaganda leads people to believe that its acceptable to support Nazis and confederates and destroying the emergency services and policing in general - as a reaction against a common sense public health measure - is deeply relevant.

But I fail to see how your petulant child style whinges on a range of topics - or more to the point, off them - and which are becoming increasingly more frequent - are adding anything at all to the forum.

Still, whatever floats your boat.

Thank god this shite is over. Imagine still posting here.

It ain’t over and you’re still posting here.

A mild head cold. The natural world is something else @Tank

Omicron was a grand variant.


Best 10 days of the year.


The woke work shy left who last year were burning down cities demanding that police be defunded and disbanded are now outraged by a peaceful protest of actual workers because of the potential impact on policing.

You simply couldn’t make it up.



Seems perfectly reasonable to want policing to be reformed away from military style insanity, corrupt civil asset forfeiture, endemic racism and straight up racist murder.

The Nazis and confederates you support who are ruining the lives of ordinary people, disrupting everyday life and disrupting the vital services which save people’s lives, well, they don’t seem so reasonable.

They don’t seem reasonable a tall a tall.


A great movie. A load of young lads in the Midlands got CB radios after watching this and would drive around at night saying breaker breaker good buddy, that’s a big 10-4.


No surprise seeing Kris Kristofferssonn lord it over those beastful trucks. His military training came in handy for his music career too. As a destitute aspiring songwriter in Nashville he once gave Johnny Cash a demo tape that included Me and Bobby McGee and Sunday Morning Coming Down in desperate to get signed by a record label.

Cash never listened and threw it on the pile. Months later a drunk Kristoffersson landed a chopper in Cash’s front garden and gave him the tape again. Cash listened this time. Within a couple of years Cash had a number one hit with Sunday Mornin Coming Down and Kristofferssson won Songwriter of the year at the country munsic awards