NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s up on the Dock Road as well

Why do you call it a horse de-wormer, and why do you feel it has to be one or the other?


I bet the fucker just wants to go for pints :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: fair play.

Labane :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

You couldn’t make it up, as they say.

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Obsessed :rofl:

Post it on Twitter, it would have more impact.

That particular smiley is always a giveaway of embarrassment.

Why on earth would I post it on Twitter?

UK are done

Reporting their high daily cases & deaths?

Its over mate, to be treated like the cold it is

Will Justy send in the Mounties to sort out the trucker demonstration in Canada?

The milder Covid variant is still killing a couple of hundred people a day over in the UK. The dullards that compared the first couple of variants to the flu must be comparing this one to the common cold or hay fever.

Edit, just saw this :smiley::smiley:

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Surprised you didn’t get the blame for hacking his account and posting that.

Russian tactics from the fash of the so called “convoy”

Your boy Trudeau is under pressure.



He’s like a collage of the Rachel Maddow show

At least Rachel has had the good sense to fuck off.

Trudeau will be gone before summer. All left wing politicians are being exposed for what they are, hypocritical cowardly cunts. Imagine being the “leader” of a country and going into hiding.


Lads here think Trudeau is left wing and that Russia doesn’t interfere in other countries.

One of the same chaps who thinks that also thinks 95% of US academics are on the Chinese payroll.

You’d have to wonder if some chaps here think this forum is a competitive stupidity competition.

@anon7035031 took his anonymity and personal security very seriously, whoever he was.