NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Lower life expectancy, but increased average IQ you’d imagine

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Even if I can only save one person

and there’s the rub.

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A warped ideology


Fucking Swedes at it again

Russia & Belarus seem to have been pretty hard.

China figures believable?

This is very bad.

Jacinda getting rid of the Covid cert

She’s letting tourists in again from May. But only white ones.

Things are going well

Staines and Ryan have a new global collective with some, erm interesting ideas in their manifesto

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We should be very thankful that we ended up with good vaccines. China with lunatic Zero Covid policies and shit vaccines that don’t protect their elderly is the nightmare scenario.

Outsourcing risk to poor people has always been a key part of the zero-covid strategy

Sure that post makes no sense at all.

It’s laughable, it’s about as credible as a Russiabot.

I mean even on a basic level it doesn’t make sense.

Work from home orders never extended to the lads in Tesco. Or meat plant workers. Or Deliveroo drivers. Why was it safe for them to work?

You’re coming out with hot air now.

You’re the person that opposed any restrictions.

So who was it again that wanted people to take risks?

Oh yeah, it was you.

You never spoke up for people in low wage work. You never advocated protections for them. You wanted them to take the risks.

But you’re pretending you didn’t. When you did.

That’s pretty dishonest of you, isn’t it?

It’s very Russian, isn’t it?

You wanted them to take ALL of the risk. While you sat at home. Too dangerous for you to work. Fine for them (and me) to go in

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