NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

What on earth are you talking about?

You never advocated any risk mitigation at all for low wage workers. You didn’t give a shit about them.

You wanted them to have to work in an environment of maximum virus with no mitigation, ie. you wanted to force them into an environment of maximum risk.

You were squarely against the low wage workers and on the side of the far right so called “libertarians”.

The zero Covid people wanted to protect the low wage workers by ensuring that there was a little virus as possible in the community.

That is being on the side of the worker, whatever wage they earned.

You are talking absolute rot here. It’s genuinely laughable. You cannot believe the shite you write. If you do, see a psychiatrist.

You wanted them locked up.

Where and when did you advocate common sense protection measures against the virus for low wage workers?

I do not recall you ever advocating such.

Now you’re claiming to be speaking on their behalf?

Is this a joke?

I recall advocating for nurses, truck drivers and fruit pickers arriving into the country NOT to be locked up

This is a far right US “libertarian” slogan that is utterly meaningless.

It’s also a slogan that proves you wanted workers to be at maximum risk of becoming infected with the virus.

How can your desire for a maximum risk environment for workers be pro-worker?

It’s anti-worker. Clamouring for a maximum risk environment for workers is as anti-worker is anti-worker can be.

It’s like something out of Dickens.

We should have locked down properly like China


A follow up.

:grin::grin: we really should let Orla run the country.


barricaded into your own house by the state over a runny nose :sweat_smile:


Absolute madness.

Remember the zero Covid nutballs on here wanted that and warned us of the “lag”

They really wanted an authoritarian State


“Nuanced tactics”


Letting academics anywhere near public policy is dangerous. They’d be happy to run a ten year social experiment without any fear of it not panning out as might be hoped.


Get with the programme


The biggest failures of modern times. Incredible levels of narcisscim to think you can halt the relentless gallop of nature.

King Canute

Or in modern parlance

Fucking Cunts

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The posts here today have been hilarious.

Lads still absolutely seething they called it wrong and now desperately trying to salvage some credibility by constructing a straw man fantasy world.

You love to see it. :joy:

It’s been very confusing all the way through about who was wrong and right.
Surely though the people calling for more restrictions a few weeks ago or who wanted the schools to stay closed after Christmas have been proved definitively wrong?

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There’s a lag. The hospitals will be over whelmed soon enough. Or they won’t be. But the lag.

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