NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

He keeps doing it… :rofl:


And 9 euro meals.

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In fairness there was a bit of pushback there in Shanghai during the week when they took kids off parents who tested positive.


I suppose if Russia’s war on Ukraine had one positive effect it was to take those useless reprobates off the streets of Canada. They all flocked to their laptops to become Bucha truthers.

I see the freaks are having another day out tomorrow though. :rofl:

I saw that. Absolute insanity.


Lock down of people not infected was never a pandemic strategy pre Covid. We were unlucky that Covid started in a totalitarian State and the academics decided they’d like some of that.


Lockdowns failed.

It made a few of them feel great for a while as it was the usual beat the west and capitalism narrative.

Of course where did most of the variants of concern end up coming from…? But the worldly ignorance of so many took over. Imagine the shite- claiming it was “political choice” not to implement Zero Covid in Ireland. We’d be still chasing the ZC dream if these idiots had been given the power the media wanted to give them.

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They just want it more. We didn’t do proper lockdowns here so didn’t get to ZC utopia.


My statement of fact obviously passed over you you’re even more dense than I thought thanks for confirming.

So now the line of the most usual of the usual suspects is that Covid and lockdowns and all that was a conspiracy by academics.

Just when you think lads here can’t lose the plot any more…

Dr Tony sat at home tonight seething over being denied a cushdy little gig to retirement.

It’s hard not to indulge in a little , as the Germans say , epicaricacy.

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I asked you a straightforward question.

Why not just answer it?

EUA vaccines did as well to be fair.

Maybe not for the shareholders though…

It was bad when it was just an ideology, but its morphed into a religon now…with the pageantry, zeal and nkind faith. They dont even claim to be following the science any more.


Of course they did. They were never a pandemic strategy. No textbook or pandemic expert advocated one pre Covid.

Lads copied a country that implemented a one child policy. Same lads are now wailing about the consequences of another totalitarian State deciding they’ll have a bit of next door. Six months ago they thought China was a great idea.

Diet Woke. Sugar and critical thinking free.


We haven’t all had the benefit of listening to the high quality information you hear on all those obscure far right podcasts, buddy.

Worked pretty well when we compare NZ to Hong Kong, though the former is seeing an increase in deaths and the costs of closing their borders long term are only becoming apparent now. China I’d course is fucked as Xi has put his chips on the table as the fella who can stop all Covid.

Imagine locking down a city of 26 million people for an auld sore throat.

Which is the worst symptom of the Omicron variant.