NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

What a facking loon and we had plenty of cheerleaders for it on here


It’s not confusing at all. Zero Covid comprehensively won the arguments. The countries that adopted it gave themselves by the best platform to come out the other side - which we hopefully are now on - with the least loss of life and the least economic disruption.

Lockdowns (where necessary) and common sense public health restrictions won the arguments.

Mass testing like Denmark won the arguments.

Vaccination won the arguments.

Caution won the arguments.

And it wasn’t close. It was a rout.

The so called “Great Barrington” cult were proven to be the charlatans and corrupt, paid off propagandists that people like always said they were.

It’s absolutely hilarious that a load of posters who were mostly, anti-vaccine, sorry “vaccine sceptical” I believe is the politically correct term, are now trying to save face by pointing to a country, China, which failed on vaccination because nationalism led them to use their own shite vaccine instead of the proper western ones which actually worked - which is the single reason they are now in the position they are in.

You couldn’t make it up, as they say. :rofl:

Should we have kept the schools closed after Christmas in Ireland?

Remember the two goons on here told us it was infection rates and not how sick it made you that was the key metric.

They got that wrong and got terribly angry. One of them the parish sports news journo lashed out at my hockey playing son :joy::joy:


Would undoubtedly have been the prudent thing to do, at least for a couple of weeks, because caution was always the watchword.

Wearing masks now is still the prudent thing to do.

Nobody will ever admit they were wrong. This particular one is as definitive as you can get though. NPHET called it right.

I was wrong about Putin. I didn’t expect a full on invasion. I really didnt. but I was 100% correct re Covid.

If that Pfizer vaccine was any good - you wouldn’t need a 4th dose of that fucking shite.

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Hospital numbers have dropped over 500 in the last 10 days the screaming Karens were all on for masks to be mandated again 2 weeks ago this virus does it’s thing peaks and troughs and proves lockdowns were a waste of time and money

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This forum specialises in lads who get it spectacularly wrong but whose whole sense of identity hinges on pretending they didn’t.

It’s very funny.

So how exactly does it prove that?

Now that they’ve been proven wrong its tempting to laugh at those who squealed relentlessly for masks and lockdowns. However i think we should be mote circumspect in our response- many of these people were gullible well-meaning simple sorts. It’s the rest id worry about- reckless selfish, egotistical vandals who’d happily repeat the same mistakes all over again before they’d acknowledge their errors.


Hard to argue with this really.

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I see thread favourite Deepti Gurdasani has been flagged by Twitter for spreading misinformation. These right wing types can’t be trusted.


The mutation of the virus to a relatively mild sickness was the only thing that won. Nothing the Irish did, or a half baked vaccine, achieved much. We’d still be clueless in lockdowns only for the mutation.


Deepti Gurdasani has the Le Tissiers who believed the far right funded disinformation of the Great Barrington loons seething.

Wonderful to see.

Luke 23:34


I love when posters prove me right about them. They just step on the rake.

Nature saved us. 100%.

It has a way of adapting far better than some pharma shite.

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It’s hard to believe that a few nuts are clinging to lockdowns long after the event.

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