NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Presume the fish they tested was cod.

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Lets hope this ban is permanent and that it’s the end of this absolute fraud.

The far right rag that is the Daily Telegraph had a “story” last week breathlessly claiming that non-Covid excess deaths in Britain “were because of lockdown”, despite Britain having had sod all restrictions since the start of March 2021.

Quelle surprise, they were talking unadulterated shite.

cc @Tassotti

they’ll still be at that craic in 10 years time

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Tomás would love that.


Zero Covid remains the way to go

It’s mad the west followed the lead of a totalitarian state in imposing lock downs at the start of all this. It had never been a tool in any epidemic planning up to then to lock down entire societies


They can stop pretending they are taking it seriously.
No one cares that they invented it in a lab.

His Fauciness ruled it out initially. He said something like “that’s ok in China but you couldn’t do anything like that in a free western democracy” (I’m paraphrasing as I can’t remember the actual quote).

Then the whole world (except for Sweden and Florida) went and did it

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Beijing has really gone to shit since i left.

The Chinese know something we don’t

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Lads still debating lockdowns. Christ above. They’re more Japanese soldier than the zero covid lads.

It’s what the thread is about. And it’s a current lockdown

Let it go mate.

No mate. Lockdowns were wrong.

There are few types of crazy that are more crazy than lads that still can’t accept they got it wrong on Covid.

Some prize examples on this forum.

Do we know what they died from? Covid surely listed as a cause of death.