NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

aye, but she looks more hungry for harvey in my one than she did for bill on their wedding day

They were both a means to an end for her.

unfortunately for her the ends didnt justify the means as shes not POTUS, just a very bitter person

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:smiley: :smiley:

Judging by LinkedIn the ordinary people of the UK think Boris is doing a brilliant job :sweat_smile:

A load of I’m not a fan but/I didn’t vote for him but statements

They think this fella who promised them all free money is the second coming of Christ then

Approval ratings for nearly all of them are up significantly spiritoftheblitz

Why are you hiding out here and not taking your beating in the main forum?

The same is going on here with Leo ffs.

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Are you trying to win the virus?

Leo is probably the best world leader right now, at least he has a bit of notion of what’s going on.

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Are you defending him because he’s from Limerick? Very blinkered behavior.

He’s quoting a tv show called Scrubs and Winston Churchill - that’s the height of it.

Winston Churchill defeated the Nazis mate.

Actual Nazis not the pretend ones living in Sid’s head.

I haven’t the stamina to keep making a show of the two of ye all day.

have you figured out what zero means yet?

Go read a history book — He was bate all over the place until he sucked American dick and gave Joe Stalin a hand job.

That wasn’t a defence of him, it was a pop at you

Your credibility

I see you are deliberately misrepresenting what I said to make up imaginary points that you can disagree with again. It’s fascinating to watch you in action