NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The Limerick simpletons are seething, fascinating to watch.

There will be millions of home tests in the UK by the end of the week. The crisis is over, keep up.

The uk cases are 150 new ones and 11 dead. Has Boris done something Right?

That’s grim reading on the mortality front.

It’s grim to look at these things as numbers in general but either the numbers are a pile of bolox or the uk have done something right.

Not if you are looking at a death to infection ratio.

Meaningless, we have no idea how many were/are infected in the UK.

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No he isn’t. He hasn’t released England’s figures yet. That’s Scotland and Wales.


They’re breaking results up by principality… The games never stop.

And millions of home treatments. Have another vitamin C there, grandad.

American capitalism in a nutshell. Marx should be compulsory reading on the US school curriculum.

CNN claiming that the US is two weeks behind Italy. Apparently a few Chinese traveled to Italy in January bringing the virus with them, but the half a million Chinese Americans who live in New York did not travel to China, nor were there any visitors from China in January.


It’s more like Gi-na , sounds like vagina.



And now 8 o’clock and no figures which are calculated at 9 this morning

You’ve an amazing grasp of history, have you ever considered pursuing it further?

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One hospital near us has ICU full, operating theatres requisition ed with two ventilated comatose patients per theatre ,and another in a and e as of this morning.
Talk that police are going to do stop and search type shutdown to “exercisers” with noone not out on allowable business allowed further than 1km from their home. Loads of police out tonight.
I stopped up outside Gregg’s in Rochdale yesterday as it was still open, and was out in the sunshine sitting on the bike having a coffee in the retail carpark. About 50m away, a group of youngish men dressed casually were gradually congregating in cars. One wandered over, admired the bike to start a conversation, asked where I was coming from and where I was going, which I answered very non specifically. I asked who they were. Army was the reply. They were clearly gathering incognito but on some official type action.
I left.
They’ll be on the streets soon.
There were loads of people out and about in the sun today. Loads of cars out mid afternoon. They weren’t key workers.

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Bernie Sanders opposing the relief plan for workers, and AOC threatening to make the house vote on it in person, which would mean it will never pass as they are self isolating.

Socialism :wave: :wave: :clap: :clap: