NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

43 with the north I think. I thought with the late announcement it would have been huge

The virus had to cross the channel, took two weeks.

Less than half yesterday’s total? Don’t believe it

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The fighting British spirit of world war 2

More than half a million people have volunteered to help vulnerable/isolated people after an NHS appeal yesterday - double the target set by Health Secretary Matt Hancock

Paddy sitting at home drinking cans, bating the wife and losing his mind on the internet


Why don’t you go on a British forum then mate?

As always, capitalism makes the mess, socialism has to clean up.


In the North they are testing a whopping FORTY people per day


I heard that alright this morning. Assumed it was an error :see_no_evil:

I think they’re up around 800…still a disgrace. Cant be seen to diverge from boris though, except for abortion … where it saves lives🤷‍♂️

Pretty sure that was a typo. Should have been 400. Further down the article they say 393 were tested.

It’s almost as if imaginary timelines are meaningless :thinking:

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So here’s how the USA’s $2T is spread

The bill is worth about $2tn, which will go to businesses, corporations and directly into the pockets of Americans. It has six main components:
Direct payment to most Americans.
$250bn to bolster unemployment insurance.
$350bn in loans for small businesses that may be forgiven if firms use them to keep workers on payroll.
$500bn in aid for hard-hit industries and states and $50bn for airlines.
$130bn in aid to hospitals.
$150bn to help state and local governments.

The holdup was not about unreasonable Democrat demands it seems, rather it was “The bill hit a snag on Wednesday, with Republicans objecting to the unemployment benefits portion of the bill”


I said it at the start it’ll be the U.S and the Brits who solve this crisis.