NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It will be science and scientists that solves this crisis, the top universities and private companies working together. Doesn’t matter where it comes from, but you are correct most top universities and companies with the expertise needed are in the US and UK.


Banana Republic

Wouldnt be surprised if Andrew Cuomo makes a late bid for democratic candidate for presidential election.


He should. Biden is a bit of a liability and actually has the ability to lose to Trump, daft as that sounds. Still better than Bernie though, who has totally lost momentum since 2016.

He was very impressive there alright!

In the past he was probably too liberal and his views on abortion are probably even too liberal for moderate Democrats. But he seems to be in the coal face here and Americans love people who can triumph against all odds.

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Is it not too late?

You can’t win the Democratic nomination unless you are strongly pro-choice. It isn’t really a leading issue for most Americans.

No, if Sanders stays in the race and Biden not get a majority of delegates, the DNC could decide on a compromise candidate at the convention.

My God he cant even dither properly.

And they reckon he’s knocking it out of the park over there. :sweat_smile:

Never got the email

Fauci and Birx are looking more shook by the day.

Fauci sounds like somebody has dropped a load of gravel onto his vocal chords.

Next time Al Qaeda fly planes into skyscrapers in New York, I’ll be sure to reference this tweet.


Maddow opening segment here is devastating. Multiple governors, both Democrat and Republican, explaining how the inaction (read: malice) of the Trump regime means states are having to bid against each other - and the federal government - for supplies of vital life saving equipment and protective clothing, leading to massive price gouging and evaporation of orders.

Ventilators and protective clothing are thus sitting unused in warehouses when they are desperately needed in hospitals.

The other night that evil cunt Barr said the Trump regime would not allow price gouging. They are actively participating in it for kicks.

The deliberate mismanagement and inaction is reminiscent of the British reaction to the famine in this country - and it’s not incompetence - it’s the ideology of an apocalyptic death cult.

I’d have thought 6k was low enough for a city the size of New York on a normal day

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My suspicions about that “Oxford study” that was publicised the other night were correct. It was non peer reviewed and promoted widely for political reasons, basically junk science.

Oxford Model Touting ‘Herd Immunity’ was Promoted by PR Agency Tied to Ministry of Defence and Nudge Unit