NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Not poor Boris, oh the humanity

Cunt was busy riddling the place for the last two weeks

Finally something positive to be said about boris


He will be superspreader extraordinaire. Hoisted by his own petard will never seem so apt.

This is no time for schadenfreude gentlemen. We are all in this together.

Oh wait…

Boris always reminds me of a man who goes for a shit but ends up with a bit of poo on the end of his shirt. Additionally, one of his shoes will have paint spatters on it.

That’s a great phrase

Pray for Bojo

Good job it not genetic or they’d be some young lad and lasses at risk among the upper echelons of London soceity

No, mate, no. Clinton news network, politicising everything, fascists, Pizzagate 2: Coronavirus Boogaloo

They surely all have it.

Johnson strikes me as the sort of chap who wouldn’t wash his hands after taking a piss.

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Get Boris done

The Luxembourg numbers aren’t great Piles. Hope you’re keeping the head down.

landed in his spam folder :flushed:

A lot of the #bekind brigade letting themselves down badly on Twitter with the Boris news.

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