NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Now now, don’t be bold

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I wonder if theyve appointed a designated survivor in Westminister

Dominic Raab apparently but The Gover wants to be the man. He’s been sniping in meeting allegedly (from a friend who works with the BBC at Westminster). Thing is, they’ve all been in a room together for the COBRA meetings so there’s a high chance they’ll all get it.

Trump has just ordered Ford & General motors to immediately switch to making ventilators !

I don’t know the Logistics but that sounds about as straight forward as the GAA ordering Kilkenny to switch to winning Football All-Irelands with immediate effect!


Not quite.The hardware is the easy part but the software is where it gets more complex and car manufacturers are best placed to marry the two. German car manufacturers are some of the most agile manufacturing companies on the world. I dont know about Ford/general motors but the germans use a configurator system in their plants that can repurpose production fairly easily. If Ford or General motors have adopted that technology the they should be able to meet demand.

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Assume all change control processes etc. will go out the window too in such a scenario.
Best of luck to them - looks like they’ll top 100k CC before the day is out.

Anyone honestly read this?


No. No doubt another rabbit hole.

Merely curious.

Thats 2 no’s.

You have to be able to read to read it.

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No I’m grand thanks, but I appreciate you asking.

It wasn’t a question, thanks for proving my point exactly.

That’s 3 no’s.

Might need a poll.

Would you like to test her, farmer?

I would indeed. Those pictures don’t do justice to how she looked earlier in her scrubs.

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Trump being attacked incessantly by elements of the media and loons online for suggesting hydroxychloroquine as a treatment a while back. Not alone are doctors prescribing it in New York to their COVID -19 patients, they are taking it themselves as they fully expect to get infected.

But sure what would doctors know compared to an “expert” like the deranged Rachel Maddow.


You’re actually the stupidest person on this forum. People who tout unproven treatments to the wider public as actual working treatments are not just snake oil salespeople, they’re encouraging people to kill themselves. Trump did that and has blood on his hands because his gullible supporters are self-treating themselves and killing themselves based squarely on his words.

Maddow really fucking kills you, doesn’t she. For somebody who likes to think of themselves as intelligent (which you aren’t, you’re thick as a plank), you sure have a hard time understanding the concept of journalism, real journalism, not the Gateway Pundit or One America News Network junk you feast on. Journalists inquire, journalists question, journalists go to the experts, because they know they aren’t experts in a field like this.

You on the other hand think Trump is an expert, and so does he.

All this comes back to your lifelong, deep seated hatred of women, especially strong women, and especially gay women.

What’s it like to live as part of a full blown cult?

It’s absolutely hilarious to see how you’ve retreated into your extreme right crazytown echo chamber. You’re scared shitless of actually debating.

And the reason for that is that you couldn’t argue your way out of a paper bag, which is why you sank like the Titanic on

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Stalin-esque. Actively ensuring people die.

Huh? You’d probably be dead waiting to see the negative if the first one didn’t go your way