NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The existing tests, especially the WHO one, have a huge number of false negatives, maybe as high as 50%. It contributes greatly to the disease progressing too far in some people before they get to be hospitalized.

At this stage, what value are the tests? Test positive and not suffering breathing problems, you’ll be sent home to self isolate, right? Given everyone the world over is aware of the pandemic and its symptoms, they’ll not need a test to tell them stay home if any symptoms presents unless struggling with breathing.

So what value are we getting now from testing given we know it’s everywhere?

That’s a great question. Unless people are really sick to the point of truly needing hospitalization, they should stay at home. Most that are in hospital have what the medical profession call mild to moderate symptoms, a lot of those are younger people who have never been really sick before.

Maybe some way to monitor younger people who are pretty sick but in no danger, if they develop serious breathing problems, get them to hospital.

Fear is these people testing at home aren’t experiencing any drastic symptoms but get a positive in their do at home tests which prompts them to leg it to the hospital when there is no immediate need. That only then adds unnecessary stress both on individual and, more importantly, health service system.

Too much importance being put on testing when emphasis should be on whatever your feeling, stay the fuck away until you’re getting shortness of breath on top of the other, manageable symptoms.

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Exactly, 98% of Irish confirmed cases are described as mild. What a doctor describes as mild, a patient thinks they are on death’s door.

Not to worry about social distance

The main value is in allowing those with antibodies back out into the business community imho. Hopefully they will be safe from reinfection or mutations.

You’d want your head examined to go to hospital unless you’re getting short of breath. There’s good evidence that the reason frontline medics are disproportionately severely affected is due to high and/or repeated level of exposure
If youre suspected of having it, the first thing that’ll happen is you’ll get thrown into an isolation ward with a load of people in the same boat :grimacing:

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He just wants to be appreciated - everybody gets a sharpie

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A group hug?

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260 dead in the u.k. They’re fucked

Poor Barry.

Cuomo going nuts here

Sure leave out the most important factor which is that Italian and Spanish hospitals have been totally overwhelmed for weeks, the 51 dead doctors stat in Italy should be a clue. US deaths are on a par roughly with Germany, South Korea, and Ireland for that matter.

There is massive testing going on now in every hospital in the US, and all coroavirus + cases are being isolated in coronavirus wards. No question some deaths could have been missed early on, but not now.

But Trump, something, something. Trump has zero control over how hospitals operate, and zero control over how they report their numbers.