NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You shouldnt be posting nasty stuff that others can then tweet. Grow up.


Baselessly accusing Cian Lynch of rape, as you did, is not venting. It’s taking a man’s character and good name away and a criminal offence.

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Other than yourself, yes.

One did it, to say it was others would be to blacken the name of many good posters on here.

Or at least the other 4 posters on here.

@myboyblue is a snivelling little shit who can’t stand over his own words and then whinges like a baby when somebody else rightly notifies the target of his words.

A rat.

And a racist cunt too.

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@carryharry it may very well be.

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Why did you baselessly accuse Cian Lynch of rape?

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Sid, give it a rest.
Are you still in Galway mate?
My sister got pulled on the prom by a roadblock there yesterday and asked where she was coming/going and why.
I on the other hand was coming home from work round the M60. Granted it was a fine evening, there was nowt on the road ,and I was on the summer bike for the first time, but I passed the polis who were parked up in a layby. I glanced down and was doing 130
Either they ignored this, or they have me on camera, and i’ll be in strangeways shortly.

Strangeways is an absolutely brilliant name for a prison

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Mount joy less so


Long Kesh/Maze is another wonderfully named prison. The Brits have a wonderful way of naming penal institutions

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Angola is another great one.

Altcourse. Bronze field, Bure, Coldingly, Dartmoor

You could go on

Trumps approval rating is up. sorry sidney looks like you lost . Again.

Barlinnie in Glasgow is hard beat as a name .

Wormwood Scrubs a good one too


It’s still low though for a wartime leader. Andrew Cuomo is at unprecedented approval levels, even though New York was the least prepared city in the US to deal with a pandemic, and by far the most likely to have one. Not to mention be Blasio and his health official telling people in February to go party. de Blasio was questioned about this recently and said people shouldn’t be looking back, only forward.

Here’s Nancy Pelosi who has been blaming Trump for his slow response telling people in San Francisco to come to Chinatown. This was February 24. She should be charged with murder apparently.

Disgraceful. I hope somebody takes her down to Chinatown.