NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Slade. The inmates there weer all crazee.

38 million people living in Seoul apparently :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
He knows Korea better than anyone, of course he does.
Gold, pure fucking gold.

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Seoul’s altitude is 38m (metres, not millions).

Sort of reminds me of when David Quinn claimed there were 18,000 GPs (general practitioners) in Ireland - there aren’t - but there are 18,000 GPS (global positioning system) locations.

Trump is living in a 38th parallel universe.

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The highlight of today’s press conference was Trump putting his size 12 shoe right up Jim Acosta’s ass. An absolute jackass of a pretend reporter.


Seconds out. Round 2,673

Ding ding


Mad shit, but then again Fox News is there to spread disinformation. This fake doctor sort of reminds me of the fake nurse Noel Pattern that the anti-choice nutcases used in their 8th Amendment campaign.

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Just from looking at his picture, he seems legit.

Nah. @labane1917 goes all silent when I post because like a windy Galway corner forward faced with Mick Holden in the 1983 All-Ireland final, he’s afraid of his shite.

This is an interesting podcast for simple folks who bandy about terms like “peer reviewed”.

Maybe not.

Paris (AFP)

The controversial French professor who believes the anti-malaria drug chloroquine can help beat the coronavirus, has claimed that a new study he has conducted confirms its “efficiency” at combatting the virus.

But several other scientists and critics of microbiologist Didier Raoult, who heads the infectious diseases department of La Timone hospital in Marseille, were quick to cast doubt upon his findings.

They said the testing was not carried out in a controlled study and that the results were purely “observational”.

Dr Raoult, whose theory has been taken up by US President Donald Trump, said his new study of 80 patients showed that four out of five of those treated with the drug had “favourable” outcomes.

He had earlier reported that after treating 24 patients for six days with hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, the virus disappeared in all but a quarter of them.

The research has not yet been peer reviewed (cc: of @glenshane) nor formally published in a medical journal.

No stranger to controversy, the colourful scientist with shoulder-length blond hair and grey beard, insists that the Chinese pulmonary expert Zhong Nanshan observed a similar pattern.

  • Results questioned -

Raoult’s critics have pointed to problems with the protocol of his testing and worrying side effects of the drug.

Fakemed, a group of scientists against fake news in health, lambasted the 68-year-old professor.

After Raoult released his latest findings on the internet over the weekend, Professor Francois Balloux of University College, London, tried to dampen talk that the drug could be a silver bullet.

“No, (this is) not ‘huge’ I’m afraid,” he said on Twitter.

“This is an observational study (i.e. not controlled) following 80 patients with fairly mild symptoms. The majority of patients recover form #COVID19 infection, with or without #Hchloroquine and #Azithromycin treatment.”

Statistician Tim Morris of the university’s clinical trials unit was even more scathing.

“If hydroxychloroquine turns out to be useful,” he tweeted, “it’s a shame that this group will be praised as heroes and prophets instead of held to account for the misinformation and self-promotion they’ve been churning out at a critical time.”

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which is often sold as Plaquenil, have been hailed as a potential “gamechangers” by Trump, but US government experts are as yet unconvinced, with Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, calling the results so far “anecdotal”.

At least one person has already died in the US after self-medicating with a non-pharmaceutical version of the drug used for cleaning fish tanks.

  • Fears of shortages -

Fears have also being raised that stockpiling of the drug will deprive people who are already being treated with it for malaria, lupus and certain types of arthritis.

Dr Philippe Gautret, who was part of the team behind Raoult’s latest findings, admitted that they only used the combination of drugs on “patients who had not been showing signs of being seriously ill after admission” to the hospital.

“Our strategy was precisely to treat them at that stage to stop the disease getting to a more serious stage,” he told AFP.

“A doctor can and must think like a doctor and not like a methodological researcher,” Raoult wrote in an article for the French Le Monde daily, defending his methods.

According to his latest study, 65 of the 80 patients treated improved and were discharged from hospital in an average of less than five days. One patient aged 74 was still in intensive care and another aged 86 died.

But his critics say such results were fairly typical of the virus.

Two Chinese studies have shown that “10 days after the start of symptoms, 90 percent of people who have a moderate form (of the disease) have a controlled viral load,” epidemiologist Dominique Costagliola, of the French health research institute Inserm, told AFP.

The fact that they got these results using hydroxychloroquine “does not make the case for its effect,” she said.

I love the way he demands appreciation from everybody for all his team and the first responders and in the same press briefing makes vague allusions to medical equipment ‘disappearing’ out the back of hospitals and opines that the press should investigate.
Not in the least bit surprising that he is doing such a thing, he is a genuine scumbag.
But hey, the media are mean to him. Be nice.

In a series of online posters with the hashtag #WomenPreventCOVID19, Malaysia’s women’s affairs ministry issued advice on how to avoid domestic conflicts during the partial lockdown, which began on March 18.

One of the campaign posters depicted a man sitting on a sofa, and asked women to refrain from being “sarcastic” if they need help with household chores.

Avoid nagging your husband, another poster said, attempting to inject humour by using a voice similar to the anime character Doraemon - a blue robot cat popular across Asia.

The ministry also urged women to dress up and wear their makeup while working from home.

Hard to argue with any of that

The market always works. Well done Trump.

The dictatorships of the future will be called “democracies”.

Actually, dictatorships of the present are called “democracies” too.

Mad shit

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It’s a risk worth taking, he is the decision maker at the end of the day

So ‘only’ 28 ‘normal’ people died? And sure the rest with asthma or diabetes or whatever are practically to blame themselves for having an underlying condition. Sure that’s grand then.