NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


Yerra fuckit, if you can’t have a bitta craic in these cuntish times it’s all idle.

I know, but fuck that pair. Satire it ain’t

Yeah but, [points to temple] “these metrics” :rofl:

Unreal bantz. Did you hear him saying that the US had too many ventilators and would be throwing a few to the brits…

He’s a gas cunt. Did you see his tweet about memory holing the corona virus debacle? What a troll!

He’s the most entertaining president ever…have you seen his ratings…


“I call it Covid 19. C-O-V-I-D 19.
Imagine that”.

Matt Handcock making a fool of himself again on the breakfast show here now


I’ve said it before but if you read the tweets of Frankie Boyle and Irvine Welsh and nothing else you’d be a hell of a lot better up on what’s happening in the UK than if you watched BBC or ITV or read most British newspapers.

We’re all saved now lads. Priti is on the case. A few Kormas a d messalas and we’ll all shit the virus out of us


Welcome home brah


I’d go there

So would I

Nice sitting room alright.

Have they moved your chair more to the left?

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Aye. I felt like your wan in that rumpilstumpskin when I sat I to it

What’s the :red_car: under the telly?


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