NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

He genuinely seems a thoroughly decent human being. Doubt he has a bad word to say about anyone. He even did the curates egg on Teresa may.

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He’s a total gentleman

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What pod was that? Magic Granpa gave a nice interview to the Torygraph pod last week. I wish Sir Keir well. A decent opposition is needed.

Nail on the head there. Every country needs strong opposition, including some firebrand far left individuals.


(900 people died give or take)

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On the BBC website.

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RIP USA from all here at TFK

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Fact: Ivanka Trump doesn’t just have trademarked voting machines.

There is genuinely such a thing as Ivanka Trump-trademarked coffins.

@labane1917 already has one reserved, no doubt.

This vegetable :roll_eyes:

The lord save us and guard us.

It’s just a cold.

Did you hear this, not a lot of people know this, the germ is a genius.

Apparently that’s a tell of his. When he starts this not many people know this shite, it’s something he’s just after finding out himself.

Sadly missed at a time like this…


If you work backwards of the UK numbers 5m have had it there already. And that’s just hospital deaths. They’ll have heard Immunity in a month. But there’ll be some carnage

What is a university professor doing stooping to that level. An utter dickhead trying to appear clever by going after fairly low hanging fruit. That maddow headcase has lowered the bar I suppose

Fire up your calculation there mate…

‘Cos it’s fun cuz

The best moment at the press conference today was when Jim Acosta asked him what metrics he was going to use to decide to reopen the country. The Donald just pointed at his temple and said “these metrics”… :joy: :joy:


I spose. Maybe there was a time when professors were expected to have a bit of austerity or gravitas. That lad aspires to be the ass clown.