NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You sure?

Would this still not make you cry? She is a key member of government. It’s not shining a good light on them.

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Sorry, thought you were talking g about the model car under the telly. The car outside the window is an astra

You’re as high as a kite. No way @iron_mike drives an astra

At least her threatened famine might not happen now. Every cloud

Afraid so kid. I’m not big into cars and don’t like having to pay anymore bik than I have to.


Sure FG will only let a handful of them out in public. FF won’t let anyone out

She’s a cunt

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I wonder if she was told well done you handled that well when she finished the briefing.

Nailed that one girl.

Did you have to quit the tories or can you be a member of both parties, mate?

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@Julio_Geordio the 3.5m antibody testing kits the UK bought are wildly inaccurate and basically useless. They had also agreed to pay for them even if they didnt work.

A Larry Goodman job.

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All part of getting herd immunity

Unreal like. If only someone could have some how foreseen there might be an issue with buying kits that you aren’t sure whether they work or not

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She’d need a considerably wider lectern.

Who are Southampton playing there?

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Haven’t a clue but I see Gary Neville there in the crowd. Maybe he was a fan?

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According to the UW model, the projected number of deaths in the UK by August 4th has been dropped from 66k to 37.5K. I have no idea what drove this almost 50% decline, other than they greatly underestimated NHS capacity.