NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Or that half of them will have moved to Athy

Or they greatly overestimated the disease. The modelling of a week ago predicted 1200 patients in greater Manchester requiring ventilation by Saturday. It was less than a third of that.

the whole thing is a cod

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Niall Ferguson has plenty of form in this regard if you look at it that way.

It’s coming home. Its coming home. Coronas coming home

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That’s the last thing you’d want.

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I love Ben Garrison’s cartoons in that he knows his audience is so thick that he has to literally spell out who he puts in them

The general theme of this one is being ramped up on Fox too. As I was going to the leaba the other night, Tucker Carlson had some talking head on and they were discussing whether the medical experts are driving the policy too much.

The rich folk must be starting to lose a few bucks.

Well the Telegraph did try and rehabilitate Hitler yesterday.

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Some Brits really don’t know much about other countries.

There’s a fair few Brits opening their mouths, or Twitter accounts, and removing all doubt.

The anti Trump at all costs lot will turn against Fauci for interviews like this

It’s the pro-Trump crowd that have turned viciously against Fauci, do keep up.

The anti-trump crowd are hilarious to watch. If he was the president for an Independence Day style alien invasion, they’d be siding with the aliens. Absolutely blinded by hate.


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They are saying we’ll have 500 deaths, we are at 320 or so now so you’d be expecting the deaths to drop sharply in the next few days if they are correct.

They are also saying we are about 5 days past our peak.

Their model seems to show the whole thing being completely over by June for every country I’ve looked at. :thinking:

huge fall in deaths, open it up to fuck Boris

737 Deaths confirmed in UK hospitals between Friday 5pm and Saturday 5pm.

The latest figures do not give a true picture of fatalities overall, as they do not include deaths in care homes.

Of the deaths recorded in England, there were 42 patients aged between 30 and 98 who had no known underlying health condition.

You’ll be drinking pints of John Smiths in a Weatherspoons for the May bank holiday


Stirring speech to the Nation from the PM.

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