NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

He’s a wartime PM

1 Like to have a segment on Yvonne Doyle and her sky news presser.

Boris is flattening the curve

The two nurses who kept him alive when it was touch and go must be shoe ins for an MBE.

He might vote to give them a pay rise at least

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Or insist on doing the laying of the sword personally.


And the UK are only reporting deaths that occur in Hospitals

In fairness the UK would be caught for space, especially in England

And Scotland don’t release figures at the weekend and by Government own admission reporting by hospitals is inconsistent at weekends. Tuesday/Wednesday will be massive as they’ll include the catch up from the weekend and community deaths

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Just seen a report on the impact of Covid-19 in Iran. People keeling over on the streets. People now speaking out against the government.


Could @anon7035031 & @Enrique send this guy a DM and make him aware that this is just part of life.
Once you enter a Nursing you are looking at the casket.


Shall I just go searching for all the avoidable non-covid deaths and ask you to ping them that it’s a part of life? Makes as much sense as your attempt at a barb there

Send the man a message, he is obviously off his head blaming his government.

You seem to think our Government should relax measures & get people back out & about.

Set him straight.

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How about instead you go fuck yourself you inbred simpleton.

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Wahey… Sideshow Bob is BACK…