NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Yesterday was Easter Sunday, the day Trump said America would re-open, after he said the virus was a hoax and would go away like a miracle. It didn’t go away, and America didn’t re-open.

The enemy is very visible. It’s standing there with a hair transplant on top and pile of cheap tan plastered onto its face.

Trump is on the ropes here.

Is that real?

Never seen him so rattled

Genuine question, he was never entirely sane, but does he have dementia?

Trump now claiming his authority is ‘total’

:grin::grin::grin: that’s fantastic. Surreal.

No, he’s a classic narcissist.

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I know, but he’s becoming increasingly erratic. I wonder if he has early onset dementia

The classic non-criticism criticism from a hypnotised fanboi who refuses to see the march of fascism before their eyes.

Some serious passing the buck going on here

You’ve seen nothing yet. Dominic Cummings is at this moment in time making bucks and inventing places to pass them to.

“You’re fake, you know that, right”?

Fucking hell

The potus may post here

Has he said hysterical yet?

Macron today said yes ‘we were not prepared’, Trump Bojo Leo,’ everything is fine’

Considering there are at least ten underlying causes of dementia, and given his age, I suppose it’s possible. I wouldn’t be an expert by any means.

Sure the other night he said the Democrats “shouldn’t be allowed to win the election”.

He’s not even attempting to hide what he is, he’s brazenly flaunting it.

It’s so obvious the election will be a fix, sure he’s running the postal service into the ground to stop voting by mail.

The dictatorships of the present and future are called “democracies” but are anything but.