Official 2011 All Ireland Hurling Championship Thread

It is not a perfect system and they probably should have bit the bullit and made it a 6 team division 1 and a 6 team division 2 although they were probably weary of tyhe fact it would put a few teams noses out of joint to be regraded but it should at least close the gap between the two divisions and lead to far more meaningful matches for all involved

We wonā€™t know the full proposal til the August meeting of the Central Council

No, I was saying a semi final of top 2 from Div 1a against Top 2 from Div 1b but it wouldnā€™t make sense I suppose if 1B is going to be made up of the weaker teams.

all except us.
but I have no doubt our esteemed executive will roll over playfully for their masters.

It will lead to more meaningful matches than ye had this year in the league, it isnā€™t going to put ye at a disadvantage and with a young hungry side should be ideal spring prep and have lads hungry to win games and for promotion as opposed to just putting it up to teams

ah here. hungry for promotion?
will we ever be as desperate to escape a division as we were this year?
what more meaningful matches?
what is proposed is to swap carlow and westmeath for wexford and offaly. big swinging danglers.
we should be swapping the lot for games against dublin, kilkenny, galway, tipp, cork and waterford, if the current structure was persisted with.
weā€™re not the biggest losers here though. while unfortunate for us, and offering scant reward for an unbeaten run through div 2, the weaker hurling counties have been shafted yet again.
it leaves laois and antrim no closer to the big boys than before. in effect, farther away than before, as instead of leapfrogging clare plus AN Other, they now have 4 teams to overtake.
it means the relegated team from 1b gets to sleepwalk through div 2a next time out, occasionally awoken by the barking of the dog belonging to the one spectator who turns up at the games.
this is just a sop to the clares and offalys of this world. the guys who perennially trot out the beal bocht, that ā€œdiv 2 will do nothing for wexford hurlingā€ or some other self-aggrandising tripe. yer there because yeā€™re not fcuking good enough, rigging the system is not the answer, go back and get the coaching structures right.

This is a shambles. An utter joke that Division 1 powerhouse counties like Wexford and Limerick are being punished for the shortcomings of diddy counties like Clare and Laois.


TV3 to televise Dublin-Limerick game Sunday week. RTE televise Waterford-Galway.

well said that man. :clap:
we took our medicine and earned the right to be in with the big boys.
to be thrown back in with the chasing pack is a poor reward.

Five matches is not enough for a meaningful league. The system shouldnā€™t be about charity for losers.

I agree to an extent and maybe making it a two up two down from the current structure may be the way to go, but it is every bit as important to sides to get decent quality games than some of the fare that is on offer in division 2, Clare played 4 games this spring that were over as a contest after 20 minutes, this benefits nobody. It is worth remembering that only for Limerick being on strike in 2010 that Dublin would have been in division 2 last spring and all the backslapping and plaudits they are getting at the moment wouldnā€™t have come to pass, they certainly have benefitted from playing at a decent level, while teams in division 2 nearly have their whole season and the next spring riding on one game in April

So did we. And thatā€™s why I resent you leaving us out of the list of teams you should be playing next year in the league. :guns:

good point

no offence intended. i omitted ye because weā€™d have been playing ye under either structure.
i was trying to highlight the absurd contrast in fixture lists. now that i think about it, wexford are the big losers here.
yeā€™ve gone from playing dublin, kilkenny, tipp, galway, waherfurd, cork and us to us, the biffos, clare, antrim and laois.
arenā€™t ye lucky ye managed to avoid the drop?

Correct. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m seething. All this on top of Sunday afternoon and last night too. The GAA canā€™t keep tweaking competition structures in response to mismanagement at individual county level. I donā€™t think itā€™s a competition structure issue thatā€™s caused standards to slip in several tier 2 counties - itā€™s a matter of them getting their own houses in order, like Dublin have done over a number of years.

Truest words on here in a while. Its a fucking joke.

The GAA under Cooney has actually gone the other way, i think they saw the recession as an opportunity to drag us back a few years. Apparently heā€™s in line to be the next full time secretary of Cork GAA if the CB get their way. What a fucking disaster that would be. We wouldnā€™t win a thing for 30 years.

The clubs are approaching Oā€™ Grady i have heard, donā€™t think heā€™d be interested, but heā€™d be the most qualified man in Cork for it. A man like him couldnā€™t work with some of the tools down the Pairc.

even i wouldnā€™t wish cooney on ye.
thought we couldnā€™t get any worse than brennan, but i was wrong.
youā€™re right about DOG, he tolerates no interference and made that perfectly clear when he took the LK job.

i just canā€™t see him having the time or the inclination for the kind of political wrangling heā€™d have to engage in just to gain the autonomy heā€™d need to do the cork job as he sees it.

Oā€™Grady will stay for another year at Limerick

Thats my first reaction too, but there is a school of thought that seeing as Frank is gone then Oā€™Grady will have no major issue and just weed out the idiots over time. Cooney will have Bob Honohan back training Cork football teams and Seanie Leary in on the hurling.

Its a frightening thought and would really have a bearing on where iā€™d go back to live in Ireland if Cooney was the Runai in Cork.