Official 2011 All Ireland Hurling Championship Thread

johnny ward put that up at 22-1 this morning :clap:

gets him back in the black

Some pace to the game. First free after six minutes. Dubs have started well despite the goal.

dublin have recovered well for sure

Dublin settled and taking their scores now, but Tipp have also taken every chance they’ve got.
Dublin can’t afford any wides or shots dropped short.

Marty is reveling in pronouncing Paul Schutte

This could go horribly wrong for Tipperary, a soft early goal will have only served to increase the level of complacency that had to have been there before hand. It can be hard to change that mindset half way through.

I’d be pretty pissed if they lose coz I was looking forward to a decent All Ireland.

I think that lad is a shit referee. A big dive by Maher, a terrible free out for Peter Kelly earlier too.

Dublin are breaking their bollix and still only a point ahead.

Donal is dead right there. Tipp are overly reliant on long balls and expecting to get jammy breaks like the last day.

Nice point and very effective use of the extra defender

Tipp will eat them now they’ve copped how to play the against the packed defence.

A corner back wouldn’t have got the free that the goalkeeper got.
That annoys me.

Super pass from Cummins Marty you mong. I wonder do teams have someone watching the RTE coverage when Donal O Grady is the analyst because his comments are most insightful.

fair play to dublin, i may have to eat some humble pie if they keep this up :stuck_out_tongue: mighty intensity

He sure is.

Excellent first half from Dublin. Going in ahead would have been a big confidence boost but the way they responded from the early goal suggests a lack of confidence isn’t an issue. Good second half in store now. Hard to see Dublin managing to win it even from this point but it’s a far closer game than expected.

Dublin should be very happy with that. Joey Boland has been magnificent for them and Dotsy has done extremely well in the roaming role. There are some worrying signs as well though. The Tipp backs are starting to get a lot more time on the ball and some of the Dublin forwards are starting to tire of chasing down their men. You’d expect the Tipp scoring machine to really get going as the game opens up.

This reminds me of the 2001 All-Ireland semi final.
I remember taking a piss at half time thinking “We’re in fucking trouble here”. By the end of it we were the defeated defending All Ireland champions.

The expectation is that Tipp will push on and win and they should but Dublin are well in this.
When will Tipp spring Brendan Maher? Soon I would think.

Tipps backs got on top in the last 15 minutes of the half and Dublin hit the wall scoring wise.
If Dublin can prevent goals and break even in the Tipp back line this could be a fight to the death.

Anyone else spot Eoin Kelly giving Joey Boland the butt of the hurley through the faceguard? Would have to see a proper angle on it but it looked much worse than his stroke on Ollie Canning last year.

padraig maher is an exceptional hurler